Словари на иностранном языке

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НаименованиеЦенаАвторГодПроизводительКод ISBNАртикул
1Словарь-справочник по нормативному речеупотреблению143 2003АСТ5-17-016957-4587328
Словарь-справочник по нормативному речеупотреблению

Словарь-справочник составлен на основе корпуса компьютерной базы данных "The Bank of English" и выпущен авторитетным британским издательством Collins Cobuild. Книга содержит 2000 словарных статей, расположенных в алфавитном порядке и содержащих грамматическую, лексико-семантическую и стилистическую информацию об отдельных единицах языка и группах из двух и более слов, а также о реалиях и понятиях англоязычной культуры, важнейших коммуникативных функциях и различных регистрах языка. Словарь содержит тысячи аутентичных примеров и практические рекомендации, позволяющие студентам-иностранцам избегать типичных ошибок словоупотребления.


2Collins Gem - Scots dictionary226 2003Harpercollins9780007224128328136
Collins Gem - Scots dictionary

Scots Something or someone which is Scots comes from Scotland. In current Scots use, both Scots or Scottish are regarded as acceptable usage. Scots is the language spoken, in a variety of forms, by the majority of people who live in Scotland. It is descended from the Germanic dialect spoken by the Anglo-Saxon people who settled in Southeast Scotland in the 7th century. More information about the history and dialects of Scots can be found in the Introduction to this dictionary. See also Doric and Lallans.


3Англо-украинский наглядный словарь249 2008АСТ978-5-17-047837-8469314
Англо-украинский наглядный словарь

Представляем вашему вниманию книгу "Англо-украинский наглядный словарь".


4Collins Mini English Dictionary270 2010Harpercollins9780007324903328146
Collins Mini English Dictionary

Use a Сollins dictionary, and be one of the best informed language users in the world.
All the words and definitions you need
Extra help with spelling and pronunciation
Spelling Guide supplement offers rules and advice to improve your spelling
Easy-to-use colour layout helps you find what you're looking for quickly.


5Collins Mini Dictionary and Thesaurus270 2011Harpercollins9780007371303328135
Collins Mini Dictionary and Thesaurus

Use a Сollins dictionary, and be one of the best informed language users in the world.
All the words and definitions you need
Extra help with spelling and pronunciation
Spelling Guide supplement offers rules and advice to improve your spelling
Easy-to-use colour layout helps you find what you're looking for quickly.


6Collins First Picture Dictionary271Yates Irene2005Harpercollins9780007203451328140
Collins First Picture Dictionary

Illustrated by award winning artist Nick Sharratt, this fabulous dictionary is designed to teach young children simple word and picture association, and to help them develop their language skills - an essential stage in learning to read.
My First Picture Dictionary contains a selection of common everyday words, grouped in familiar themes such as In the Park, At the Seaside, and Things We Like to Eat. Each word is accompanied by a bold, colourful illustration, and many spreads also feature an action-packed scene incorporating the words.
A special feature of the dictionary are the questions posed by the cat, the dog and the family of children who appear throughout the book. These questions help parents and teachers to share the book with their children, encouraging them to look closely at the words and pictures, and talk about what they see.
The dictionary opens with an introduction for adults, explaining how to get the most out of the book, and ends with a range of fun spreads that explore simple concepts such as colour, numbers and "doing" words.


7Collins Gem Mandarin Chinese Dictionary278 2011Harpercollins9780007428243328138
Collins Gem Mandarin Chinese Dictionary

The world's bestselling little dictionaries
Comprehensive arid authoritative, with pinyin transcription for all Chinese characters
Extra help with difficult words
Practical phrasefinder for travellers
Clear colour layout and full radical index help you find what you are looking for quickly and easily


8Oxford English Minidictionary: Sixth Edition331Hole Georgia, Hawker Sara2004Oxford0-19-860865-9104485
Oxford English Minidictionary: Sixth Edition

Essential: all the everyday words you need.
Reliable: spellings and meanings you can be sure of.
Practical: tips to improve your grammar and spelling.
Издание полностью на английском языке.
Бумага офсетная.


9French Minidictionary331 2005Oxford978-0-19-861045-8104486
French Minidictionary

Французско-английский и английской-французский словарь. 100 тысяч слов.


10Collins English Dictionary355 2012Юпитер-Импэкс978-0-00-745623-9329153
Collins English Dictionary

The world s favourite little dictionaries
All the words and definitions you need
Extra help with spelling and difficult pronunciation
Unique Practical Writing Guide for modern life
Easy-to-use colour layout helps you find what you're looking for quickly


11Мир тесен. Идиоматический словарь полиглота. Справочное издание356Шитова Лариса Феликсовна, Москалюк Галина Сергеевна2016Антология978-5-9909211-1-5561404
Мир тесен. Идиоматический словарь полиглота. Справочное издание

Современная разговорная речь образованного человека насыщена идиоматикой, поэтому важно осознавать, что сколь прочны ни были бы Ваши знания иностранного языка, без овладевания его фразеологией Вы не обретёте желанной свободы непринуждённого общения с собеседником. Это непреложная истина. Наш словарь призван дать Вам эту свободу.


12Collins Pocket English Dictionary405 2010Harpercollins9780007347285328144
Collins Pocket English Dictionary

Comprehensive and authoritative, with all the words and definitions you need
Help with spelling and pronunciation
Write for Life supplement gives advice on writing letters, and offers help with writing successful CVs
Easy-to-use colour layout helps you find what you're looking for quickly.


13Collins Pocket Dictionary and Thesaurus406 2009Harpercollins9780007290369328145
Collins Pocket Dictionary and Thesaurus

Use a Сollins dictionary, and be one of the best informed language users in the world.
Comprehensive and authoritative, with all the words and definitions you need
Thousands of alternative words and opposites
Most useful alternative words highlighted
Language in Action supplement gives practical advice on using English well
Easy-to-use colour layout helps you find what you're looking for quickly.


14Collins Compact English Dictionary450 2009Harpercollins9780007299454328158
Collins Compact English Dictionary

Eighth edition In colour, and packed with fascinating features on language, Collins Compact Dictionary is the ideal handy reference for people who love language. With extended word histories, surprising folk etymologies, notes on words borrowed from other languages, and a fantastic supplement, this thoughtfully designed dictionary is large enough to include all the words and definitions you need, but small enough to hold in one hand. With a clear colour design and easy-to-use layout, browsing is easier than ever. All in all the perfect book for crossword solvers, word-game enthusiasts, and anyone with a passion for English.


15Concise Dictionary of Linguistics463 2005Oxford0-19-861050-5104460
Concise Dictionary of Linguistics

Издание полностью на английском языке.


16Essential Dictionary (+ CD-ROM)509 2003Macmillan1-405-01426-194588
Essential Dictionary (+ CD-ROM)

Издание полностью на английском языке.
Новый словарь для изучающих английский язык, дающий возможность усовершенствовать свои знания английского языка.
Отличительные особенности словаря:
- удобство в обращении
- 3 500 наиболее употребительных слов современного английского языка выделены красным цветом
- специальное меню для слов с пятью или более значениями
- облегчающее поиск нужного значения слова
- четкие и простые объяснения слов.
Современный подход к изучению лексики современного английского языка:
- детальный анализ 3 500 слов с точки зрения частотности их употребления и сочетаемости с другими лексическими единицами
- синонимичные ряды слов в разделе - Other Ways of Saying
- фразовые глаголы и устойчивые словосочетания современного английского языка
- справочные разделы по грамматике - Help Boxes с объяснением наиболее сложных для учащихся грамматических явлений
Высокая степень информативности:
- раздел Language Studу включает статьи, посвященные вопросам словообразования, сочетаемости слов, особенностям употребления слов в различных стилях речи, структуре письменного высказывания
- тематически организованные разделы Развлечения, Люди и отношения, Путешествия и туризм, Работа, Новые технологии (связь, компьютеры и Интернет), Средства массовой информации (газеты и телевидение)
- вместе с заданиями и ответами к ним помогут учащимся подготовиться к сдаче выпускных экзаменов.


17Dictionary of Finance and Banking546 2005Oxford0-19-860749-0104474
Dictionary of Finance and Banking

Издание полностью на английском языке.
Более 5000 слов и выражений по каждому аспекту мира финансов.
Бумага офсетная.


18Dictionary of Law595 2003Oxford0-19-860756-3104480
Dictionary of Law

Издание полностью на английском языке.


19Dictionary of Architecture595 2006Oxford0-19-280017-5104471
Dictionary of Architecture

Архитектурный словарь.
Издание полностью на английском языке.


20Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford = Oxford Concise School Dictionary: 40000 слов и выражений600Хокинс Джеральд2008АСТ978-5-17-052108-1180725
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford = Oxford Concise School Dictionary: 40000 слов и выражений

Словарь содержит 40 000 слов и словосочетаний с толкованиями значений и примерами употребления в современной английской речи, а также дает много информации грамматического, лексического и этимологического характера.
Предназначен для изучающих английский язык на продвинутом этапе и преподавателей английского языка.
Издание на английском языке.


21Phrasal Verbs Plus651 2005Macmillan1-4050-6390-494539
Phrasal Verbs Plus

Издание полностью на английском языке.
Новый словарь, призванный помочь учащимся справиться с таким сложным, но значимым аспектом языка, как фразовые глаголы.
Отличительные особенности словаря:
- подробное описание особенностей употребления фразовых глаголов с точки зрения грамматики и семантики
- тысячи примеров употребления слов в живой речи отражают изменения, происходящие в современном английско языке
- полный охват употребления фразовых глаголов в различных жизненных сферах современного мира: экономика, делопроизводство, интернет и т.д.
- пояснения, как предлоги и частицы влияют на значение фразовых глаголов.
- комиксы, иллюстрирующие употребление более 100 фразовых глаголов
- удобный поиск по простым глаголам
- наиболее употребительные фразовые глаголы выделены красным цветом.


22Словарь синонимов, антонимов и близких по значению слов китайского языка706 2023Шанс9785907646285960774
Словарь синонимов, антонимов и близких по значению слов китайского языка

Составитель Отдел по составлению словарей китайского языка; ООО Сычуаньское лексикографическое издательство
Словарь содержит 1475 самых распространенных иероглифов с синонимами, антонимами и близкими по значению словами. Словарь будет полезен для всех, кто изучает китайский язык.

Серия: Справочник


23Dictionary of Idioms707 2005Oxford0-19-861055-6104477
Dictionary of Idioms

Идиоматический словарь.
Издание полностью на английском языке.
Explains where phrases such as "take the rap", "off the cuff", and "flavour of the month" come from and what exactly they mean. This work contains entries for over 5000 idioms, including over 350 new entries, to elucidate and entertain.
Did you know that "flavour of the month" originated in a marketing campaign in American ice-cream parlours in the 1940s, when a particular flavour would be specially promoted for a month at a time? And did you know that "off the cuff" refers to the rather messy practice of writing impromptu notes on one"s shirt cuff before speaking in public? These and many more idioms are explained and put into context in this second edition of the "Oxford Dictionary of Idioms". This vastly entertaining dictionary takes a fresh look at the idiomatic phrases and sayings that make English such a rich and intriguing language. A major new edition, it contains entries for over 5000 idioms, including 350 new entries and over 500 new quotations. The text has been updated to include many new idioms using the findings of the Oxford English Reading Programme, the biggest language research programme in the world. The entries are supported by a wealth of illustrative quotations from a wide range of sources and periods. For example: "Rowling has not been asleep at the wheel in the three years since the last Potter novel, and I am pleased to report that she has not confused sheer length with inspiration." - "Guardian", 2003. "I made the speech of a lifetime. I had them tearing up the seats and rolling in the aisles." - P.G. Woodhouse, 1940. Many entries include boxed features which give more detailed background on the idiom in question. For example, did you know that "taken aback" was adopted from nautical terminology, and described a ship unable to move forward because of a strong headwind pressing its sails back against the mast? The text has been entirely redesigned so that it is both elegant and easy to use. Anyone interested in the quirky side of the English language will have hours of fun browsing through this fascinating and informative volume.


24Dictionary of Foreign Words & Phrases727 2005Oxford0-19-861051-3104463
Dictionary of Foreign Words & Phrases

Словарь иностранных слов на английском языке.


25Dictionary of Modern Slang727 2005Oxford0-19-861052-1, 978-0-1986-1052-6104466
Dictionary of Modern Slang

Издание полностью на английском языке.
Более 5000 сленговых слов и выражений.


26Словарь синонимов и антонимов английского языка734Девлин Джозеф2005Центрполиграф5-9524-1480-X, 5-9524-1480-Х146938
Словарь синонимов и антонимов английского языка

Универсальный словарь, содержащий более 20 000 наиболее употребительных синонимов и антонимов английского языка, которые помогут разнообразить вашу речь. Ценное дополнение - 5000 трудных слов, которые ошибочно употребляются даже англичанами. Словарь несомненно будет полезен учащимся средних школ, гимназий и лицеев, студентам, преподавателям английского языка, бизнесменам и всем, кто изучает иностранный язык самостоятельно и часто выезжает за рубеж.


27The Oxford Colour Russian Dictionary761 2006Oxford0-19-860699-0104451
The Oxford Colour Russian Dictionary

"The Oxford Colour Russian Dictionary" is the latest addition to the Oxford Russian Dictionary range. Colour headwords throughout make it the most useful and easy-to-use dictionary for beginners. The word games in the centre of the dictionary build knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, and provide valuable practice in using your dictionary, helping you get the best out of it.
Particular attention has been given to the provision of inflected forms where these cause difficulty, and to showing the stressed syllable of every Russian word as well as changes in stress where they occur. Perfective and imperfective aspects are distinguished and both are given wherever appropriate.
Формат: 10 см х 15 см.
Русско-английский и англо-русский словарь. 100 тысяч слов.
Бумага офсетная.


28Collins Gem - Dictionary and Thesaurus793 2009Harpercollins9780007324934328137
Collins Gem - Dictionary and Thesaurus

Use a Сollins dictionary, and be one of the best informed language users in the world.
All the words and definitions you need
Extra help with spelling and pronunciation
Spelling Guide supplement offers rules and advice to improve your spelling
Easy-to-use colour layout helps you find what you're looking for quickly.


29Dictionary of Accounting793 2005Oxford978-0-19-280627-7104468
Dictionary of Accounting

Издание полностью на английском языке.


30English Gem Dictionary and Thesaurus797 2016Collins9780008141714897443
English Gem Dictionary and Thesaurus

The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for everyday language use.
This is an indispensable guide to the English language. Part of the Collins Gem range - the world's best-selling mini dictionaries - it provides dictionary definitions and thesaurus synonyms on the same page for incomparable quick and easy reference.

This book provides the most up-to-date words, clear definitions and accessible same-page dictionary and thesaurus texts - all in the handy and portable Gem format.

In addition to the wide range of definitions and synonyms, it has a handy and practical supplement on punctuation and spelling rules.

With its clear layout and matching dictionary and thesaurus entries on the same page, you can be confident to find all the latest words you need - and fast!

Серия: Collins Dictionaries


31English Gem Thesaurus797 2016Collins9780008141691897442
English Gem Thesaurus

The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for everyday language use.
This new edition is part of the Collins Gem range - the world's best-selling mini dictionaries and thesauruses. This new edition is fully up-to-date, with the newest words to enter the English language, with thousands of synonyms and antonyms.

With thousands of alternative words, subject lists and a useful supplement, this edition of the Collins Gem English Thesaurus is ideal for everyday use in home, school and office.

The handy little thesaurus gives you practical, applied knowledge in your pocket. It contains a wide selection of alternative words and opposites, with the most useful words highlighted for ease of reference. The clear layout also makes the content easily accessible.

Includes a brand new supplement which tackles questions of style and etiquette thrown up by both traditional and modern forms of communication. From letters to social media updates, it offers guidance and examples.

128, 000 synonyms and antonyms

Серия: Collins Dictionaries


32German School Gem Dictionary797 2019Collins9780007569328986056
German School Gem Dictionary

The home of trusted German dictionaries and thesauruses for school use.
The ideal handy German reference for secondary school students looking for a dictionary that is modern, up-to-date, clear and easy to use. Developed for home study, and to be used in the classroom.

Especially designed for KS3 school students, and is ideal in the classroom, at home and during exams.

It contains all the words and phrases students will need, with key curriculum words highlighted, all essential phrases covered, and thousands of examples to show how German is really used.
The clear layout and alphabet tabs down the side of each page lead the students to the information they need quickly and without fuss. All main translations are underlined to help users go straight to the answer they are looking for.
The dictionary includes language tips and culture notes throughout the text.
Ich bin, du bist German verbs made easy! Each verb on the German side of the dictionary is cross-referred to a comprehensive verb guide, with full conjugations and example phrases showing the verb used in context.

Серия: Collins School Dictionaries


33Illustrated Dictionary818 2007Usborne9780746087152323858
Illustrated Dictionary

A comprehensive dictionary with over a thousand colour illustrations, straightforward definitions with part of speech indicators, example sentences and pronunciation guides for tricky words. Also contains information on parts of speech, the conventions of written English and a brief history of the English language. An essential and great value home or school reference book perfect for children beginning their SATs.

Серия: Illustrated dictionary


34Essential English Dictionary829 2010Cambridge978-0-521-00537-194532
Essential English Dictionary

The new dictionary for beginner to pre-intermediate learns of English
- EASY: easy explanations of words, using simple language
- HELPFUL: thousands of short, clear examples show you how to use words
- COLOUR PICTURES: hundreds of pictures to make learning words easy
- PHRASAL VERBS EXTRA: 5 pages of the most important phrasal verbs for you to learn.
Издание полностью на английском языке.

Серия: Cambridge Dictionary


35Толковый словарь китайских идиом853 2022Шанс978-5-907447-46-2857162
Толковый словарь китайских идиом

Словарь содержит 3500 распространенных китайских идиом. К каждому фразеологизму дана транскрипция (пиньинь), подробное толкование на китайском языке, примеры использования, фразеологизмы-синонимы и антонимы. Словарь предназначен для специалистов-филологов, переводчиков, преподавателей и всех, кто изучает китайский язык.
Составитель: Сюй Чэнчжи.


36Большой словарь латинских цитат и выражений874Душенко Константин Васильевич, Багриновский Григорий Юрьевич2013Эксмо978-5-699-60632-0379011
Большой словарь латинских цитат и выражений

Словарь содержит около 9 500 латинских цитат и выражений - в несколько раз больше, чем в существующих отечественных справочниках подобного рода. При этом постклассический период латинской культуры (латынь средневековая и Нового времени, особенно научная и юридическая) представлен здесь наравне с "классическими", т.е. римскими. Всюду, где это возможно, даются сведения о происхождении цитаты или выражения. Происхождение многих цитат и выражений указывается впервые.

Серия: За словом в карман. Афоризмы


37Minidictionary Thesaurus & Wordpower Guide888 2002Oxford0-19-860447-5104453
Minidictionary Thesaurus & Wordpower Guide

Издание полностью на английском языке.


38International Dictionary of Idioms892 2004Cambridge0-521-62567-X, 0-521-62567-Х94534
International Dictionary of Idioms

All the information you need to understand and use idioms with confidence.
- AROUND 7, 000 IDIOMS: Currnet in British, American and Australian English
- CLEAR AND SIMPLE: Explanations for every idiom
- THOUSANDS OF EXAMPLE SENTENCES: Based on the Cambridge International Corpus
- THEME PANELS: Presenting idioms in topic groups
- FULL INDEX: So every idiom is easy to find
Издание полностью на английском языке.


39Collins Big Cat Picture Dictionary897 2006Harpercollins9780007214051328141
Collins Big Cat Picture Dictionary

Over 1000 words are provided in this illustrated picture dictionary, arranged thematically. Find the words in the central picture, with Big Cat as your guide. Can you spot signs of Big Cat on each spread?


40Collins Webster's Easy Learning English Idioms903 2011Harpercollins9780007363841328184
Collins Webster s Easy Learning English Idioms

Webster's Easy Learning English Idioms is part of the bestselling and acclaimed Webster's Easy Learning range, and is ideal for school, work, and home study.
Easy to use - find out what the key English idioms really mean
Easy to read - clear layout with additional information in boxes and no jargon
Easy to understand - simple explanations and real examples from the Collins corpus


41Collins. Русско-испанский. Испанско-русский словарь918 2013Collins978-0-00-793446-1467113
Collins. Русско-испанский. Испанско-русский словарь

Издательство Collins - европейский лидер в области двуязычных словарей.
Современная лексика испанского и русского языков.
Дополнительный список наиболее употребляемых слов испанского языка в разговорной речи
Понятная и удобная структура облегчает поиск необходимых слов.
Словарь включает фонетические транскрипции для правильного произношения слов.
Collins Русско-Испанский, Испанско-Русский Словарь идеален для использования на занятиях, во время экзамена, в дороге и послужит хорошим подспорьем всем изучающим испанский язык.
51000 слов, выражений и переводов.


42Trouvez le bon mot. Plus de 125 000 synonymes pour viter les r p titions !926 2017Le Robert9782321018711992588
Trouvez le bon mot. Plus de 125 000 synonymes pour viter les r p titions !

Le seul dictionnaire de synonymes en format mini ! Retrouvez 150 000 synonymes et tous les registres de la langue pour varier votre vocabulaire et vous exprimer avec precision.
Saviez-vous qu'un homme honnete est aussi un homme integre, droit, incorruptible, irreprochable, loyal, moral, scrupuleux, vertueux, probe ou reglo ?

Retrouvez 150 000 synonymes et tous les registres de la langue du plus familier au plus soutenu pour varier votre vocabulaire et vous exprimer avec precision !


43Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs929 2004Cambridge0-521-56558-8, 0-521-63453-9, 978-0-5216-3453-394538
Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs are an important feature of the English language. Their importance lies in the fact that they form such a key part of everyday English. Not only are they used in spoken and informal English, but they are also a common aspect of written and even formal English. Understanding and learning to use phrasal verbs, however, is often problematic and there are many reasons for this. The meaning of a phrasal verb, for example, often bears no relation to the meaning of either the verb or the particle which is used with it. This means that phrasal verbs can be difficult both to understand and to remember. Neither does it help that many phrasal verbs have several different meanings, nor that their syntactic behaviour is often unpredictable.
-OVER 4500 PHRASAL VERBS current in British, American and Australian English
- THOUSANDS OF EXAMPLE SENTENCES: showing phrasal verbs in context
- A CAREFULLY CONTROLLED DEFININGS VOCABULARY making explanations easy to understand
-CLEAR AND DETAILED INFORMATION on grammar and collocation
SPECIAL FEATURES to make practice and usage easier
- THEME PANELS: Presenting phrasal verbs in topic groups
- GUIDANCE on the most useful phrasal verbs to learn
Издание полностью на английском языке.


44Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary933 2010Harpercollins9780007353903328142
Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary

For children aged 6 and over, this best-selling illustrated dictionary contains full sentence definitions and child-friendly example sentences as well as colourful illustrations and photographs, colour headwords and an A-Z on every page.


45Gem English School Thesaurus935 2019Collins9780008321185898130
Gem English School Thesaurus

The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for school use.
A fantastic mini school thesaurus for age 11 and above in the best-selling Gem format to help you find the right word every time.

Written specially to help with school work and homework, you will find thousands of synonyms to increase vocabulary, with examples to show context for every synonym listed.

This mini thesaurus has a useful supplement to provide help with finding the right word.

Every entry has a definition, and each alternative word is followed by its own example, helping you decide which word is the most appropriate to use.

The perfect companion to the new Collins Gem School Dictionary, and an indispensable tool for any secondary school student aged 11 and above.

Using a thesaurus has never been easier!

Серия: Collins School Dictionaries


46Gem French Verbs935 2006Collins9780007224180896909
Gem French Verbs

The home of trusted French dictionaries for everyday language learning.
The Collins French Gem Verbs offers the learner of French extensive coverage of French verbs in a compact, portable format with a clear layout.

Written for everyone who is learning French and is the ideal text for anyone who needs a wealth of reliable verb information in a portable format.

Have confidence: offers full conjugations of 112 French verbs, both regular and irregular.

Get it right: it also contains an alphabetical index of over 2, 000 French verbs each cross-referred to its model verb.

Get there fast: clear layout ensures that you can quickly find the information you need.

Серия: Collins Dictionaries


47French Gem Dictionary935 2016Collins9780008141875897449
French Gem Dictionary

The home of trusted French dictionaries for everyday language learning.
With 40, 000 words and phrases and 60, 000 translations packed into this Collins Gem French to English and English to French dictionary, you'll have everything you need to know on the go.

All the latest words reflecting changes in modern lifestyle are included in this small French dictionary, plus notes about life in French-speaking countries and top tips on commonly confused words. This is the perfect choice for travellers, students and business people. An essential, user-friendly travel Phrasefinder is included, along with a handy menu-reader ensuring you always get what you expect from a meal out. A clear layout, useful examples, and language and cultural notes makes this Collins French Gem dictionary ideal for school and a great companion to GCSE French.

Серия: Collins Dictionaries


48Dictionary of Word Origins. The Histories of More Than 8, 000 English-Language Words950 2011Daedalus Books9781611450538575651
Dictionary of Word Origins. The Histories of More Than 8, 000 English-Language Words

What is the link between map and apron, acrobat and oxygen, zeal and jealousy, flour and pollen, secret and crime? Did you know that crimson originally comes from the name of tiny scale insects, the kermes, from whose dried bodies a red dyestuff is made? That Yankee began as a nickname for Dutchmen? That omelette evolved from amulette, "a thin sheet of metal, " and is a not-too- distant cousin of the word laminate? That jeans find their antecedent in jean fustian, meaning "a cotton fabric from Genoa"?
The Dictionary of Word Origins uncovers the hidden and often surprising connection between words. Written in a clear and informative style, the more than 8, 000 articles reveal the origins of and links between some of the most common English-language words. They also contain an extensive selection of words whose life histories are intrinsically fascinating or instructive. This dictionary shows how modern English has developed from its Indo-European roots and how the various influences on the language-from migration and invasion to exploration, trade, technology, and scholarship-have intermingled. It is an invaluable addition to any English or linguistics library.


49Spanish Dictionary. Essential Edition957 2018Collins9780008270735897830
Spanish Dictionary. Essential Edition

The home of trusted Spanish dictionaries for everyday language learning.
A handy and affordable Spanish to English and English to Spanish reference for every day, including short grammars of Spanish and English. The clear layout allows for fast and easy access when you most need it. Ideal for use on the go, at home, in the office, classroom or on holiday.

Over 40, 000 words and phrases and 60, 000 translations.

Designed for all those studying Spanish who need maximum information in a handy travel format.

Offers comprehensive and up-to-the-minute coverage of Spanish and English, with additional notes warning the user of those words which are easily confused.

Delivers the accuracy and reliability you expect from the Collins name. With natural, idiomatic example phrases, in-depth treatment of the most important core vocabulary and help to find the exact translation you want.

Серия: Collins Dictionaries


50Dictionary of Law (зеленая)958 2006Oxford978-0-19-280698-7184903
Dictionary of Law (зеленая)

Издание полностью на английском языке.
Более 4000 статей.


51Korean Dictionary959 2010Harpercollins9780007324729328139
Korean Dictionary

The world's bestselling little dictionaries
Two-way dictionary: English-Korean, Korean-English
Find all the words and phrases you need
Clear colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily


52Орфографический словарь татарского языка965 2017Татарское книжное издательство978-5-2980-3387-9800474
Орфографический словарь татарского языка

В словаре представлены различные пласты лексики современого татарского языка, а также словообразовательные элементы. Словарь включает около 46000 слов и в нем даны сведения об образовании около 3 млн.форм существительных (более 22000 слов) и глаголов (более 9000 слов).
На татарском и русском языках.
Составители Галиуллин К.Р., Раскулова Р.И.
2-е издание, дополненное.


53English Dictionary (+ CD-ROM)991 2007Macmillan0-333-99093-594587
English Dictionary (+ CD-ROM)

Издание полностью на английском языке.
Более 100 000 слов, 30 000 идиом и фразеологических выражений.


54Collins Gem Turkish Phrasebook and Dictionary1007 2016Collins9780008135959897423
Collins Gem Turkish Phrasebook and Dictionary

You will never be lost for words in your travels around Turkey again! Your ideal pocket-sized travel companion and the accompanying free ebook will ensure that you can say what you need in Turkish with ease and confidence.

Reliable, portable and easy-to-use, this phrasebook is an indispensable travel companion as you deal with the situations that crop up every day on holiday; from finding a chic hotel, or hiring a car to explore the countryside, to choosing a local delicacy from the menu, and, of course, setting up your wifi.

With helpful travel information and cultural tips, plus a 3000-word dictionary, make sure you don't go anywhere without this little book - an essential guide to speaking and understanding Turkish when travelling in Turkey.

Серия: Collins Dictionaries


55Spanish School Gem Dictionary1007 2024Collins9780007569304897317
Spanish School Gem Dictionary

The home of trusted Spanish dictionaries and thesauruses for school use.
The ideal handy Spanish reference for secondary school students looking for a dictionary that is modern, up-to-date, clear and easy to use. Developed for home study, and to be used in the classroom.

Especially designed for KS3 school students, and is ideal in the classroom, at home and during exams.

It contains all the words and phrases students will need, with key curriculum words highlighted, all essential phrases covered, and thousands of examples to show how Spanish is really used.
The clear layout and alphabet tabs down the side of each page lead the students to the information they need quickly and without fuss. All main translations are underlined to help users go straight to the answer they are looking for.
The dictionary includes language tips and culture notes throughout the text.
Soy, eres, es Spanish verbs made easy! Each verb on the Spanish side of the dictionary is cross-referred to a comprehensive verb guide, with full conjugations and example phrases showing the verb used in context.

Серия: Collins School Dictionaries


56Gem English School Dictionary1007 2019Collins9780008321178898129
Gem English School Dictionary

The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for school use.
The perfect mini dictionary for all students aged 11 and above. Updated to include around 20, 000 entries, with all the words you must know for school and exams, in the best-selling Gem format.

This handy mini-sized dictionary has been developed with teachers to be the perfect tool for both school work and homework.

With over 20, 000 clear, concise definitions and extra help with difficult pronunciations, it gives core vocabulary for key curriculum exam subjects, plus thousands of examples of words in use. Developed with teachers, this dictionary is an indispensable tool for any secondary school student aged 11 and above.

Includes a guide to punctuation, spelling and grammar, to support students in class, and during home study.

Have confidence Help with spelling, pronunciation and difficult words

Серия: Collins School Dictionaries


57Spanish Gem Dictionary1007 2016Collins9780008141844897446
Spanish Gem Dictionary

The home of trusted Spanish dictionaries for everyday language learning.
With 40, 000 words and phrases and 60, 000 translations packed into this Collins Gem Spanish to English and English to Spanish dictionary, you'll have everything you need to know on the go.

All the latest words reflecting changes in modern lifestyle are included in this small Spanish dictionary, plus notes about life in Spanish-speaking countries and top tips on commonly confused words. This is the perfect choice for travellers, students and business people. An essential, user-friendly travel Phrasefinder is included, along with a handy menu-reader ensuring you always get what you expect from a meal out. A clear layout, useful examples, and language and cultural notes makes this Collins Spanish Gem dictionary ideal for school and a great companion to GCSE Spanish.

Серия: Collins Dictionaries


58Phrasal Verbs + Idioms English-Spanish1015 2011Anaya9788471538482310926
Phrasal Verbs + Idioms English-Spanish

Reservados todos los derechos. El contenido de esta obra esta protegido por la Ley, que establece penas de prision y/o multas ademas de las correspondientes indemnizaciones у penalizaciones por danos у perjuicios para quienes re-produjeren, plagiaren, distribuyeren о comunicaren publicamente, en todo о en parte, una obra literaria arti'stica о cienti'fica, о su transformacion, interpretacion о ejecu-cion arti'stica fijada en cualquier tipo de soporte о comunicada a traves de cualquier medio, sin la preceptiva autorizacion.


59Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms1021 2014Oxford0-19-280634-3, 9780198705185104483
Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms

Словарь синонимов и антонимов английского языка.
Издание полностью на английском языке.


60Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms1021 2007Oxford978-0-19-921065-7227819
Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms

Authoritative, accessible, and completely up to date, this new edition of the popular Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms is an invaluable guide for anyone wanting to build their vocabulary and invigorate their writing skills.
Over 140, 000 alternative and opposite words are given with the closest, most frequently used synonyms listed first. In addition, thousands of real-life examples of usage from the Oxford English Corpus put the words in the context of sentences, which helps the reader to pinpoint the right word quickly and easily (and avoid embarrassing mistakes). Also included are some useful appendices designed to improve your knowledge of the language: a new Wordfinder section offers a selection of thematic lists - from chemical elements and clothing to phobias and flowers - and a Common Confusables supplement highlights the crucial differences between similar words that are often mixed up.
Anyone wanting a practical and accessible language guide that will expand their vocabulary and sharpen their writing skills - including families, wordgame buffs, and students learning English as a foreign language - will want this dictionary on their reference shelf.


61Collins School Thesaurus in colour1022 2014Collins9780007535095460832
Collins School Thesaurus in colour

This new edition of Collins School Thesaurus is an essential reference tool for all students. Each entry is followed by a wide range of alternative words and examples, making it easy for the user to choose the most appropriate alternative for the context. The thesaurus has a clear and easy-to-use layout, with an alphabetical indicator on each page, making it easy to find information quickly. It includes thousands of synonyms and antonyms as well as short definitions for all main entry words. Examples are given for all synonyms to show how they are used and to help students choose the right one for their context. The 'more synonyms' feature and 'types of' panels help to extend students' vocabulary and extra help is given to help avoid over-use of very common words. A special supplement about improving your writing skills helps students to use language effectively and achieve success in written work.
5th edition.

Серия: Collins School Dictionaries


62Устойчивые сравнения шведского языка, характеризующие человека. Словарь1037Алешин Алексей Сергеевич2017Нестор-История978-5-4469-1179-0616166
Устойчивые сравнения шведского языка, характеризующие человека. Словарь

Словарь содержит свыше 350 устойчивых сравнений шведского языка, характеризующих человека. Описываемые единицы функционируют в шведской художественной литературе, публицистике и речи носителей шведского языка. Словарь предназначается студентам и преподавателям филологических факультетов вузов, гуманитарных факультетов вузов, в которых ведется преподавание шведского языка, специалистам в области лексикологии и фразеологии шведского языка, сопоставительного языкознания, лингвокультурологии, переводчикам, работающим со шведским и русским языками, а также широкому кругу лиц, интересующихся шведским языком и культурой.


63Bled Poche Conjugaison1054Berlion Daniel2022Hachette FLE9782017183860997524
Bled Poche Conjugaison

our ne plus se tromper!
18 fiches pour maitriser les principales difficultes.
Plus de 80 verbes types traites.
Un index de plus de 6 000 verbes.

Серия: Bled


64German Gem Dictionary1066 2016Collins9780008141868897448
German Gem Dictionary

The home of trusted German dictionaries for everyday language learning.
With 40, 000 words and phrases and 60, 000 translations packed into this Collins Gem German to English and English to German dictionary, you ll have everything you need to know on the go.

All the latest words reflecting changes in modern lifestyle are included in this small German dictionary, plus notes about life in German-speaking countries and top tips on commonly confused words. This is the perfect choice for travellers, students and business people. An essential, user-friendly travel Phrasefinder is included, along with a handy menu-reader ensuring you always get what you expect from a meal out. A clear layout, useful examples, and language and cultural notes makes this Collins German Gem dictionary ideal for school and a great companion to GCSE German.

Серия: Collins Dictionaries


65Dictionnaire de poche anglais bilingue1067 2022Livre de Poche9782253085263998388
Dictionnaire de poche anglais bilingue

Ce dictionnaire bilingue est concu pour donner l information la plus directe, la plus fiable et la plus actuelle a des utilisateurs francophones ou anglophones.

Vous y trouverez : 40 000 mots en anglais et en francais ; 35 000 expressions idiomatiques et exemples ; un vocabulaire deliberement contemporain ; une place particuliere accordee a l anglais americain ; un ensemble de tableaux en anglais et en francais : nombres cardinaux et ordinaux / poids et mesures / noms de pays / sigles et abreviations / conjugaison des verbes francais / verbes irreguliers anglais.

Серия: Dictionnaires, encyclopedies


66Oxford Italian Mini Dictionary1096 2017Oxford978-0-19-969265-1607832
Oxford Italian Mini Dictionary

This is the reissued Oxford Italian Mini Dictionary - now in an attractive new format.
This small dictionary offers the most accurate and up-to-date coverage of essential, everyday vocabulary with over 40, 000 words and phrases and 60, 000 translations. Easy-to-use color design and a center section of useful words and expressions listed by topic make this dictionary ideal for travel and quick reference.
Discover more on oxforddictionaries.com, Oxford's hub for dictionaries and language reference.
4th Edition.


67German Essential Dictionary1116 2018Collins9780008270742986177
German Essential Dictionary

The home of trusted German dictionaries for everyday language learning.
A handy and affordable German to English and English to German reference for every day, including short grammars of German and English. The clear layout allows for fast and easy access when you most need it. Ideal for use on the go, at home, in the office, classroom or on holiday.

Over 40, 000 words and phrases and 60, 000 translations.

Designed for all those studying German who need maximum information in a handy travel format.

Offers comprehensive and up-to-the-minute coverage of German and English, with additional notes warning the user of those words which are easily confused.

Delivers the accuracy and reliability you expect from the Collins name. With natural, idiomatic example phrases, in-depth treatment of the most important core vocabulary and help to find the exact translation you want.

Серия: Collins Dictionaries


68First Spanish Dictionary1116 2020Collins9780008312725986230
First Spanish Dictionary

Bag the perfect KS1 Spanish dictionary this Back to School.
An ideal first Spanish dictionary for kids aged 5+ and above, designed to introduce Spanish vocabulary to children in a fun, easy and memorable way.

Fully updated for 2020, this beautifully illustrated dictionary introduces children to their first 500 Spanish words with example sentences to help children remember words and translations from English to Spanish.
Listed in English-to-Spanish alphabetical order and with themed pages, the Collins First Spanish Dictionary provides curriculum-matched support for young learners of Spanish. Ideal for children starting school.
Audio files for each headword and phrase can be found at Collins website.

Серия: Collins First


69French Dictionary. Essential Edition1123 2018Collins9780008270728897829
French Dictionary. Essential Edition

The home of trusted French dictionaries for everyday language learning.
A handy and affordable French to English and English to French reference dictionary for every day, including short grammars of French and English. The clear layout allows for fast and easy access when you most need it. Ideal for use on the go, at home, in the office, classroom or on holiday.

Over 40, 000 words and phrases and 60, 000 translations.

Designed for all those studying French who need maximum information in a handy travel format.

Offers comprehensive and up-to-the-minute coverage of French and English, with additional notes warning the user of those words which are easily confused.

Delivers the accuracy and reliability you expect from the Collins name. With natural, idiomatic example phrases, in-depth treatment of the most important core vocabulary and help to find the exact translation you want.

Серия: Collins Dictionaries


70Portuguese Gem Dictionary1123 2018Collins9780008200916897595
Portuguese Gem Dictionary

The home of trusted Portuguese dictionaries for everyday language learning.
A fully up-to-date Portuguese to English and English to Portuguese dictionary revised to reflect the latest language changes, with a newly updated Phrasefinder section making it the perfect choice for anyone needing, up-to-the-minute Portuguese for everyday use.

All the latest words in both languages
User-friendly Phrasefinder supplement for travellers, including a menu-reader section. Sections include: Getting Around, Accommodation and Complaints, this is an instant reference available when you need it most. The menu-reader section offers a quick guide to the most common words and phrases you will find in Portuguese and Brazilian cafes and restaurants
Clear layout, useful examples, language and cultural notes
Brazilian Portuguese with European Portuguese variants and both UK and US English shown
Designed to give travellers, students, business people and the general user alike all the information they need in a handy format.

Серия: Collins Dictionaries


71Dictionary of Economics1127Black John2006Oxford0-19-860767-9104473
Dictionary of Economics

Издание полностью на английском языке.
- Now over 5 000 concise and clearly-written entries on every aspect of the financial wotld.
- Personal finance topics, from inverstments to pensions and taxation.
- Reflects new developments in areas such as European monetary union and financial markets.
- International coverage of the world's important financial centres.


72Bled Poche Orthographe1135Berlion Daniel2023Hachette FLE9782017183853997523
Bled Poche Orthographe

Pour ne plus faire de fautes !
89 fiches regroupees par theme pour maitriser l'essentiel.
Une presentation en doubles pages pour une lecture aisee.
Un index pour acceder rapidement a l'information recherchee.

Серия: Bled


73Compact Thesaurus1144 2005Oxford0-19-861030-0104457
Compact Thesaurus

Издание полностью на английском языке.


74Dictionary of Law1149 2011Oxford978-0-1995-5124-8316930
Dictionary of Law

This best-selling dictionary is an authoritative source of jargon free legal information. Explaining the major terms, concepts, processes, and the organization of the English legal system, it is an essential A-Z for students, professionals, and anyone wanting a handy guide to legal terminology.
Издание полностью на английском языке.
Более 4200 статей.


75Oxford Portuguese Mini Dictionary1164 2017Oxford978-0-19-958032-3607834
Oxford Portuguese Mini Dictionary

This new edition of the Oxford Portuguese Mini Dictionary offers up-to-date coverage of all the essential day-to-day vocabulary with over 40, 000 words and phrases, and 60, 000 translations. With a handy phrasefinder, this dictionary is easy to use and ideal for travel and quick reference. This small dictionary offers the most accurate and up-to-date coverage of essential, everyday vocabulary with over 40, 000 words and phrases and 60, 000 translations. Easy-to-use design and a centre section of useful words and expressions listed by topic make this dictionary ideal for travel and quick reference. It has also been throughly updated with the latest Portuguese spelling reform changes. The dictionary is based on Brazilian Portuguese with extra information where European Portuguese is different.
3rd Edition.


Страницы: 1 2 3 4 5

Сортировка: Наименование, Цена, Автор, Производитель

Вид просмотра: Миниатюры, Полный многострочный, Полный в две строчки, Наименование-Цена-Автор, Наименование-Цена-Производитель, Наименование-Цена