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10 Priciples of Good  Interior Design
10 Priciples of Good Interior Design
Why do some interiors feel harmonious, places where you feel comfortable to relax or to entertain? You don't necessarily need to hire a professional interior designer to create the kind of place where you want to live. This book provides the basic rules and principles of interior design, the skeleton on which to build a successful scheme and an enjoyable living space. The ten areas outlined give direction and inspiration to those starting a scheme from scratch or reinventing an existing space.
Год: 2011
Производитель: VIVAYS
Артикул: 314193
ISBN: 978-1-908126-10-8
Автор: Lee Vinny

10 Priciples of Good Interior Design
1785 руб.
100 Houses for 100 Architects
100 Houses for 100 Architects
The greatest challenge in designing homes is negotiating the delicate balance between aesthetics and the personal desires of the occupants. While it`s important for the structure to reflect the vision and style of the architect, the client must ultimately feel at home beneath the roof. It is particularly interesting, therefore, to examine the homes that architects create for themselves. If houses reflect their owners` personalities, then architects` own homes are like autobiographies. Location, layout, style, lighting, artwork, furnishings-every detail adds color to the story. Each of these 100 dwellings, presented A-Z by architect, speaks more about its designer than any other building possibly could.

Издание на английском языке.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 207059
ISBN: 978-3-8228-3786-3
Автор: Postiglione Gennaro

100 Houses for 100 Architects
1928 руб.
100 Interiors Around the World
100 Interiors Around the World
How to live well? This is a diverse and inspiring selection of interiors from around the world. This special edition rounds up the creme de la creme of today's most exceptional and inspiring interiors around the world. Making stops in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, this painstakingly picked and sumptuously photographed selection of 100 homes represents TASCHEN's favorite ways people are decorating their dwellings these days.
Год: 2013
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 385634
ISBN: 978-3-8365-2988-4

100 Interiors Around the World
4048 руб.
100 вариантов дизайна окон
100 вариантов дизайна окон
В этой книге вы найдете сто самых разнообразных способов дизайна окон с помощью штор, которые помогут вам преобразить интерьер вашей гостиной, спальни, кухни, детской комнаты или рабочего кабинета. Книга дизайнера Р.З. Маловой пригодится тем, кто желает самостоятельно украсить свое жилище, и поможет выбрать из множества вариантов именно то, что подойдет именно вашему дому.

Серия: Дом моей мечты
Год: 2005
Производитель: Феникс
Артикул: 70322
ISBN: 5-222-06027-6, 5-222-06820-X, 5-222-06820-Х
Автор: Малова Римма Задитовна

100 вариантов дизайна окон
51 руб.
1000 Chairs
1000 Chairs
More than any other piece of furniture, the chair has been subjected to the wildest dreams of the designer. The particular curve of a backrest, or the twist of a leg, the angle of a seat or the color of the entire artifact; each element reflects the stylistic consciousness of an era.

From Gerrit Rietveld and Alvar Aalto to Verner Panton and Eva Zeisel, from Art Nouveau to International Style, from Pop Art to Postmodernism, the history of the chair is so complex that it requires a comprehensive encyclopedic work to do it full justice. They are all here: Thonet's bentwood chairs and Hoffmann's sitting-machines, Marcel Breuer's Wassily chair and Ron Arad's avant-garde armchairs. Early designers and pioneers of the modern chair are presented alongside the most recent innovations in seating.

This dedicated compendium displays each chair as pure form, along with biographical and historical information about the pieces and their designers. An illuminating tome for design aficionados and an essential reference for collectors!

About the series

Bibliotheca Universalis - Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic Taschen universe!

Серия: Bibliotheca Universalis
Год: 2022
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 930484
ISBN: 9783836563697
Автор: Fiell Charlotte, Fiell Peter

1000 Chairs
4316 руб.
1000 идей для дома
1000 идей для дома
Каждый думает о своем доме. Когда вы молоды и у вас есть своя комната, она становится миром, который вы в скором времени персонализируете, наполняя предметами, отвечающими вашим интересам и вкусу. Став старше и покинув родительский дом, вы начнете создавать свой, с удивлением узнавая, сколько всего нужно предусмотреть и сколько решений принять. Одни люди страшатся этого, а другие просто горят желанием приступить к обустройству нового жилища - скажем, отправиться за покупками.

Но прежде вам понадобятся идеи. Какие напольные покрытия вы предпочитаете: ковры, паласы, циновки или линолеум? А может быть, плитку или кирпич?

Некоторые элементы дизайна будут, по сути, вам навязаны прежними владельцами или пространством дома. Возможно, вы захотите приспособить уже имеющиеся детали интерьера под свой вкус. Скорее всего, вы не станете перекрывать крышу, менять полы, стены, потолки и лестницы, но почти наверняка вам понадобится перекрасить помещения, перенести двери и даже окна, сделать пристройку и увеличить ванную комнату. Если задача слишком сложна для вас, чтобы справиться в одиночку, - не отчаивайтесь. Зная, какого эффекта вы хотите достичь, найдите строителя или мастера на все руки, которые помогут вам. Все зависит от вашего выбора, а вариантов несметное множество. Пугающая перспектива, но к ней вы должны быть готовы всегда - не только в начале обустройства дома, когда переезжаете или покупаете новую мебель, но и в течение всей жизни. Вопросы возникают один за другим, но приходят и ответы - более 1000, представленных на страницах этой книги и отраженных в работах блестящего французского фотографа Кристиана Саррамона, 30 лет жизни посвятившего съемке самых необычных и наполненных оригинальными идеями интерьеров.
Год: 2008
Производитель: Кладезь
Артикул: 175408
ISBN: 978-5-93395-295-4
Автор: Клифф Стэффорд

1000 идей для дома
1883 руб.
1000 идей для кухни
1000 идей для кухни
Современную кухню следует давно причислить к жилым комнатам. Здесь мы не только готовим еду, но чаще всего и едим. Готовка и прием пищи стали неразделимы. Обустройство кухни, как никакого другого помещения в доме, помимо непосредственно меблировки требует учета множества моментов: гигиены, безопасности, функциональности, практичности, универсальности и красоты. В одних кухнях жизнь кипит чуть ли не круглые сутки, в других - готовят в одиночку и едят на бегу. То, с чего вы начнете, в значительной мере будет определять конечный результат, даже если условия и финансы позволяют вам сделать все с чистого листа. Размер и форма помещения, расположение дверей и окон, водопроводных и газовых коммуникаций, высота потолка и прочие "структурные элементы" играют не последнюю роль. Мебельные дверцы и столешницы изготовляются из самых разных материалов, спектр цветов и виды отделки практически не ограничены, а выбор бытовой техники и оборудования никогда не был столь велик. Тем сложнее выбрать то, что соответствует вашему вкусу и бюджету. Подумайте, как сделать свою кухню неповторимой благодаря всевозможным штрихам и деталям, даже если они наносятся первыми (как, например, в случае со стеклянными дверьми, мансардными окнами или полами с подогревом). Лучшие кухни непременно отражают характер хозяев, а не производителей. Как вы любите готовить - в обществе или в одиночестве, каким другим целям будет служить помещение? Здесь собирается вся семья, подолгу засиживаются друзья или же это символ вашего статуса и воплощение образа жизни? Как-то одна женщина, специалист по кухням, составила список действий, которые могут иметь там место. Наряду с готовкой и приемом пищи в перечень попали кормление домашних животных, выполнение домашних заданий, просмотр телевизионных передач и секс. Возможно, последнее вас несколько удивило, но, если ваша кухня окажется достаточно соблазнительной, кто знает, каким будет меню?
Год: 2009
Производитель: Кладезь
Артикул: 226086
ISBN: 978-5-9339-5360-9
Автор: Клифф Стэффорд

1000 идей для кухни
1648 руб.
1000 лучших идей для уютного дома
1000 лучших идей для уютного дома
Шторы, покрывала и пледы, наволочки, скатерти, подарочные мешочки и салфетки, диванные валики, подушки для стульев, коврики для ванной... В этой книгой создать все это великолепие своими руками и без особых затрат украсить дом потрясающими аксессуарами так легко! Даже если вы только изучаете основы шитья, будьте уверены: лучшего помощника вам не найти! Как подобрать подходящую ткань? Как снять мерки и сделать выкройку? Как выполнить складки, окантовку и петли для пуговиц? Книга ответит на все ваши вопросы, научит конструированию, выполнению машинных и ручных швов, искусству сочетания цветов и узоров. Поддайтесь вдохновению, добавьте в мелодию вашего дома нотки яркой индивидуальности!

Книга содержит цветные фотографии.

Твердый переплет, бумага мелованная.

Серия: Украшаем дом
Год: 2007
Производитель: Мир книги
Артикул: 139450
ISBN: 978-5-486-01361-4

1000 лучших идей для уютного дома
184 руб.
1000 умных решений для уютного дома
1000 умных решений для уютного дома
У нас для вас две новости.

Плохая: невозможно сделать ремонт один раз и на всю жизнь.

Хорошая: чтобы обновить интерьер и сделать квартиру более подходящей вашему образу жизни и вкусам, ремонт не нужен.

В этой книге Ольга Качанова, известный дизайн-блогер с полумиллионной аудиторией, поделится секретами переделки интерьера без ремонта и с минимальными вложениями.

Умная планировка и зонирование в небольших квартирах, практичные и стильные дизайнерские решения, детская на вырост и интерьер, который никогда не надоест.

Вы удивитесь, как из простых деталей складывается новый облик вашего дома, вашего по-настоящему, созданного вами и для вас.

Серия: Секреты уютного дома
Год: 2021
Производитель: АСТ
Артикул: 781753
ISBN: 978-5-17-134604-1
Автор: Качанова Ольга Сергеевна

1000 умных решений для уютного дома
542 руб.
1001 идея цветовых решений вашего интерьера
1001 идея цветовых решений вашего интерьера
Более 1000 цветовых схем и фотографий - самые свежие идеи, самые стильные интерьеры для вашего дома: от ярких решений до интерьеров в пастельных тонах.
Год: 2013
Производитель: Астрель
Артикул: 385432
ISBN: 978-5-271-43715-1

1001 идея цветовых решений вашего интерьера
1067 руб.
150 Best Mini Interior Ideas
150 Best Mini Interior Ideas
The most recent volume in the highly successful 150 Best series, this comprehensive handbook showcases the latest in efficient and successful small space design.

Filled with 500 pages of beautiful full-color photographs, 150 Best Mini Interior Ideas profiles dozens of exciting interiors that exemplify the beauty and simplicity of small space design. Francesc Zamora brings together an extensive collection of practical, innovative, and stunning mini interiors by distinguished architects and designers from around the world. Showcasing the diversity of current trends in contemporary residential architecture and design, 150 Best Mini Interior Ideas is an inspirational resource for architects, designers, homeowners, and anyone looking for innovative concepts to plan, furnish, and accessorize small spaces.
Год: 2015
Производитель: HarperCollins
Артикул: 527643
ISBN: 9780062352019
Автор: Zamora Mola Francesc

150 Best Mini Interior Ideas
4395 руб.
16 интерьеров
16 интерьеров
"Вот шестнадцать интерьеров, созданных как будто и не женскими руками. Во всяком - поиск. В каждом - лицо. И все время новое. Но есть один объединяющий мотив - естественный свет, отражающийся и пульсирующий, как краски неба в воде каналов. Желание - чтобы света было как можно больше. Александра и Мария относятся к внутреннему пространству так, точно оно открыто вовне, А интерьер воспринимают подобно экстерьеру. Но, по сути, интерьер есть частный случай архитектуры, имеющий право на интерпретацию как свое го рода объект внутреннего градостроительства. Александра уверена: когда-то придет час - и жилая коробка исчезнет за ненадобностью, человечество от непогоды будет защищаться магнитными установками и солнечными батареями. Долой футляр! Архитектуре больше не надо создавать пространства, когда она творит температуры и атмосферы. Пока же, работая в объеме, взаимодействуя с масштабом и пропорциями, архитекторы режиссируют внутренние маршруты, подобно бесконечным линиям петербургских проспектов, соблазняющим некоей картиной в конце. Издалека, впрочем, она только предчувствуется, точно мираж. Манящая иллюзия заставляет пройти до конца путь, эту четкую, быть может, не осязаемую структуру. По дороге рука ощущает естественность фактур, глаз отзывается на простор/ форм. Не случайно Мария, говоря об эстетическом антураже, о созерцании, ставит знак равенства между понятиями "красота" и "простота"".
Год: 2013
Производитель: МК-Интерио
Артикул: 420252
ISBN: 978-5-905048-40-1

16 интерьеров
5452 руб.
25 Apartments and Lofts Under 2500 Square Feet
25 Apartments and Lofts Under 2500 Square Feet
The apartments and lofts featured here highlight the latest architecture and design innovations, with an emphasis on open space and materials such as glass, plastic, steel, and stone. The book explores the joy of living in carefully designed spaces, showcasing a range of styles from modern to traditional. This exciting collection includes innovative and exciting designs sure to inspire and amaze.

Серия: DesignSource
Год: 2007
Производитель: HarperCollins
Артикул: 801941
ISBN: 9780061149894
Автор: Trulove James Grayson

25 Apartments and Lofts Under 2500 Square Feet
7005 руб.
4000 мотивов: цветы и растения
4000 мотивов: цветы и растения
Включает 4000 неповторимых и оригинальных цветочных и растительных мотивов для нового применения. Вдохновляет всех дизайнеров, мастеров разных ремесел, включая вышивку и вязание. Охватывает главные исторические и региональные стили - от западного средневекового и исламского искусства до японского и новоевропейского, включая ар нуво и ар деко. Включает мотивы деревьев, листьев, фруктов и ягод, а также многочисленных цветов. Подробный указатель поможет найти идеальный мотив.
Год: 2008
Производитель: АСТ
Артикул: 180716
ISBN: 978-5-17-036170-0
Автор: Маккэлэм Грэхем Лесли

4000 мотивов: цветы и растения
966 руб.
4000 узоров, декоративных мотивов и орнаментов
4000 узоров, декоративных мотивов и орнаментов
В этой книге собран богатейший материал творческого наследия многих сотен художников и дизайнеров, работавших в разное время и принадлежавших к разным художественным направлениям и стилям, вплоть до ар-нуво и ар-деко. Книга включает:

- 4000 оригинальных рисунков цветов, деревьев, листьев, плодов, овощей, фруктов и ягод; - неповторимые орнаменты, мотивы и бордюры;

- главные исторические и региональные стили - от западного средневекового и исламского искусства до японского и новоевропейского;

- подробный указатель, который поможет найти идеальный мотив.

Рисунки хорошо проработаны и подобраны по соответствующим периодам. Владелец этой книги сможет использовать все великолепие узоров и орнаментов в своем творчестве.
Год: 2010
Производитель: АСТ
Артикул: 235977
ISBN: 978-5-17-053950-5
Автор: Маккэлэм Грэхем Лесли

4000 узоров, декоративных мотивов и орнаментов
661 руб.
500 идей для вашей квартиры
500 идей для вашей квартиры
Далеко не каждая семья может позволить себе услуги профессионального архитектора, дизайнера и декоратора, поэтому большинство .людей делают ремонт в квартире и украшают ее своими силами. Именно таким читателям в первую очередь адресована эта книга. Как, имея на семью всего две-три комнаты, разместить в них и красивую гостиную, куда можно пригласить родных и друзей, и уютную спальню, где отдыхаешь и душой и телом, и кабинет, где есть все условия для плодотворной работы? Как оборудовать современную кухню, если в помещении меньше десятка квадратных метров? Автор книги, опытный дизайнер и декоратор интерьеров, дает 500 полезных советов, которые позволяют сделать маленькие помещения визуально просторными; создать в квартире многофункциональные пространства; расширить границы комнат; правильно подобрать и расставить мебель; выгодно использовать преимущества стеклянных поверхностей и напольных покрытий, акцентировать достоинства обстановки и нивелировать недостатки. Ознакомьтесь с рекомендациями автора, примените их на практике - и ваша квартира преобразится.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Бертельсманн
Артикул: 263247
ISBN: 978-5-8835-3400-2
Автор: Селдон Кимберли

500 идей для вашей квартиры
1973 руб.
505 советов по строительству и дизайну
505 советов по строительству и дизайну
Уют и комфорт дома складываются из множества мелочей. Нередко бывает так, что люди вкладывают огромные деньги в строительство дома, обзаводятся дорогостоящей ультрасовременной или редкой антикварной мебелью, а дом - безликий. Бывает и иначе: входишь в незнакомый дом и удивляешься, насколько здесь тепло, комфортно и уютно. Как говорят - и глаз радуется, и на сердце спокойно.

Для создания красоты жилища важны не только деньги - необходимы знания по строительству и художественному оформлению помещений дома. Эту и другую полезную информацию вы найдете на страницах нашей книги. Опытные практики расскажут вам об основных строительных работах, о том, как выбрать стиль для своего жилища, как продумать цветовую гамму для стен и обивки мебели, как подобрать различные аксессуары и освещение.

Серия: Мастерская
Год: 2007
Производитель: Феникс
Артикул: 116513
ISBN: 5-222-09522-3, 978-5-222-10818-5
Автор: Сарафанова Наталья Алексеевна, Леванова Наталья Дмитриевна

505 советов по строительству и дизайну
37 руб.
6000 лет истории архитектуры и дизайна
6000 лет истории архитектуры и дизайна
Дизайн интерьеров, вне зависимости от того, профессиональный он или нет, - необходимая часть человеческой жизни. Изучение интерьеров, их развития и изменений на протяжении веков - отличный способ познакомиться с прошлым и больше узнать о внутренних пространствах, в которых проходит современная жизнь.

Цель настоящего издания - в одной книге показать историю развития интерьеров частных и общественных сооружений, насчитывающую 6000 лет.
Год: 2012
Производитель: Астрель
Артикул: 318352
ISBN: 978-5-271-38367-0
Автор: Пайл Джон

6000 лет истории архитектуры и дизайна
1249 руб.
Alvar Aalto (1898 1976) made a unique modernist mark. Influenced by both the landscape and the political independence of his native Finland, he designed warm, curving, compassionate buildings, wholly set apart from the slick, mechanistic, geometric designs that characterized much contemporary European practice.

Whether a church, a villa, a sauna, or a public library, Aalto s organic structures tended to replace plaster and steel with brick and wood, often incorporating undulating, wave-like forms, which would also appear in his chair, glassware, and lamp designs. An adherent to detail, Aalto insisted upon the humanity of his work stating: Modern architecture does not mean using immature new materials; the main thing is to work with materials towards a more human line.

Many of Aalto s public buildings such as Sдynдtsalo Town Hall, the lecture theatre at Otaniemi Technical University, the Helsinki National Pensions Institute and the Helsinki House of Culture may be seen as psychological as well as physical landmarks in the rebuilding of Finland after the ravages of war.

Серия: Basic Art Series
Год: 2021
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 808888
ISBN: 9783836560108
Автор: Lahti Louna

2594 руб.
Andrew Martin Interior Design Review
Andrew Martin Interior Design Review
Vintage or modern? Sleek minimalism or splendid opulence? Scandinavian hygge or Neon Art? For all that is emerging and on trend in the world of interiors, look no further than the Andrew Martin Interior Design Review Vol. 25. Compiled by founder Martin Waller, dubbed the "Indiana Jones of Interior Design, " this anniversary edition of the interior design bible showcases the diverse creations of 100 leading interior designers, including the winner of the "Designer of the Year" award. Regardless of whether you are looking for inspiring design ideas for your own home or simply want to sneak a peek at beautiful interior spaces, this vibrant coffee table book will delight design lovers around the globe.
Год: 2021
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 841709
ISBN: 9783961713691

Andrew Martin Interior Design Review
13038 руб.
Andrew Martin Interior Design Review Vol. 26
Andrew Martin Interior Design Review Vol. 26
- The annual standard volume featuring 1, 000 photographs of extraordinary design trends

- Presentation of the winner of Designer of the Year

- A valuable source of inspiration for novices, aficionados, and professionals alike

- Dubbed the 'bible of the interior design world' by The Times

For more than 40 years, Martin Waller and his company Andrew Martin have continued to demonstrate that furniture is more than just a functional object, and that a living space always finds new stories to tell. His Interior Design Review, the definitive standard work, unmatched in its variety and broad range of topics, is now being published in its 26th edition. One hundred designers, 500+ pages, 1, 000 photographs - such is the opulent presentation of the latest interior trends in this magnificent coffee table book. With its special arrangement, the latest edition is once again a feast for the eyes of design lovers who want to unleash their creativity.

Серия: Art Interiors
Год: 2023
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 930520
ISBN: 9783961714339
Автор: Martin Andrew

Andrew Martin Interior Design Review Vol. 26
14210 руб.
Book of Lofts
Book of Lofts
Lofts are apartments resulting from the conversion of former industrial or commercial buildings. They have their origins in the New York of the 1950s. At that time, artists and bohemians in search of cheap places to live and work began to move into abandoned late-nineteenth-century buildings that had once been warehouses, workshops or factories, thus creating a new American version of the Parisian artist's atelier. Nowadays, the tendency to convert warehouses and factories into homes has extended everywhere. Once low-cost living spaces for artists, often occupied illegally by students, they have grown into elegant, luxurious residences reserved for a wealthy elite. This book describes 55 lofts from all over the world, occupying buildings ranging from huge industrial spaces to small business premises. It is illustrated by more than 600 photographs, architectural plans and computer graphics.

Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 211489
ISBN: 978-3-8365-1151-3

Book of Lofts
1819 руб.
Bookshops: Long-established and Most Fashionable
Bookshops: Long-established and Most Fashionable
In the era of e-books and online trade when the classic book trade has come under increasing pressure, the success of a bookshop is not a foregone conclusion. Booksellers confront these new challenges with very different economic strategies and conceptual measures. Spatial concepts, furnishings and design are indispensable ingredients of a successful sales strategy for newer as well as more tradition steeped bookstores. People like to linger - and buy - where they feel comfortable. This volume is dedicated to the 35 most beautiful bookstores in the world. The old and the new, classical and innovative, giant stores and paradises in miniature for bibliophiles: What they all have in common is that they create a desire for books and prove that the bookshop as institution will always fulfil a need and without a doubt enjoys a future.

2nd edition.
Год: 2013
Производитель: Braun
Артикул: 387538
ISBN: 9783037681220

Bookshops: Long-established and Most Fashionable
3988 руб.
Botanical Style. Inspirational Decorating with Nature, Plants and Florals
Botanical Style. Inspirational Decorating with Nature, Plants and Florals
In her latest book, 'Botanical Style', popular stylist and bestselling author Selina Lake brings her signature romantic vintage style to the current trend for all things botanical.

The first chapter, Botanical Inspirations, takes a look at the ingredients of the look - antique botanical prints and artworks, flower stalls, potting sheds and houseplants - and draws upon these sources for fresh ideas to transform your home into a leafy haven.

Moving on, Selina explores five different facets of the botanical look. Vintage Botanicals celebrates the gentle palette and delicate style of floral watercolours and pressed flowers, while Boho Botanicals has more of a free-spirited 1970s vibe, with jungly potted plants, flower garlands and even a decorated teepee. The varied textures and contemporary appeal of Industrial Botanicals give it a modern edge, utilizing materials such as polished concrete, rusted metal and laboratory glass and combining them with peeling paint and vintage school science posters on the walls. Next, Natural Botanicals is based around antique prints and salvaged museum specimen cases for a nostalgic feel, while Tropical Botanicals features bold leafy prints, spiny cacti and palm trees for a distinctly glamorous retro flavour.

Throughout the book, Selina's imaginative 'DIY Makes' and insightful 'Style Tips' provide a wealth of inspiring suggestions for how to recreate the textures, tones and ambience of Botanical Style in your own home.
Год: 2022
Производитель: Ryland, Peters & Small
Артикул: 927147
ISBN: 9781849757133
Автор: Lake Selina

Botanical Style. Inspirational Decorating with Nature, Plants and Florals
3894 руб.
Briger + Briger: Comfortable and Joyous Homes, City, Country and Lakeside
Briger + Briger: Comfortable and Joyous Homes, City, Country and Lakeside
Designing a contemporary residence in the twenty-first century doesn't require rejection of all that has preceded it. For any residence, design considerations should begin with the recognition of how to live and what to be surrounded with, without being bound to traditional rules. Rich eighteenth-century silks on furniture of the same era, for example, can appear strikingly modern on an uncovered, unstained wooden floor flanked with pale-colored walls. What produces a contemporary residence lies in the editing of its contents-not in the period items with which it is filled.

The American design firm Briger + Briger shows how to remain true to the spirit of the present while combining the most striking furnishings of the past with modern pieces and humble yet interesting objects from every era. What is achieved is a new refinement in living. Three handsome residences-a spacious city house, a grand country house, and a contemporary lakeside retreat-are lavishly presented in three hundred glorious images by esteemed photographer Michel Zabe. Each interior is crafted with an appealing array of antiques and fine art, modern and period furnishings, and whimsical touches. Attractive table settings for entertaining both indoors and outdoors are also presented. In addition, these welcoming residences display equally interesting and inviting outdoor spaces, from formal gardens to container plantings on small terraces. There are countless ideas for personal self-expression for any environment. Much more than a decorating guide, this beautiful volume is a design for comfortable and joyous living.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Rizzoli
Артикул: 225871
ISBN: 978-0-8478-2999-6
Автор: Briger Paul, Briger Cris

Briger + Briger: Comfortable and Joyous Homes, City, Country and Lakeside
3864 руб.
California Romantica
California Romantica
California Romantica features the most important, yet rarely seen, residential exemplars of the California Mission and Spanish Colonial styles, by such noted architects as George Washington Smith, Wallace Neff, Richard Requa, Lilian Rice, and Paul R. Williams, among others. From whitewashed stucco walls and cloistered patios to tile roofs and sumptuous gardens, each house shown is a rare masterpiece, splendidly appointed with authentic Monterey furniture, California tile, and Navajo rugs. Among the magnificent seaside estates, canyon villas, and courtyard bungalows shown is Diane Keaton's former home in Beverly Hills, which she thoughtfully restored with noted designer Stephen Shadley, and for which she has been recognized as a committed preservationist. She brings her cinematic eye, a keen sense of natural drama, and a profound appreciation for the nuances of shadow and light to the elucidation of these buildings, through the selection of specially commissioned photography. Authoritative text by D. J. Waldie lucidly explicates the architecture and provides an intimate tour of a historic and distinctly Californian lifestyle.

Литература на английском языке.
Год: 2007
Производитель: Rizzoli
Артикул: 225872
ISBN: 978-0-8478-2975-0
Автор: Waldie D. J

California Romantica
4232 руб.
Case Study Houses
Case Study Houses
The Case Study House program (1945-66) was an exceptional, innovative event in the history of American architecture and remains to this day unique. The program, which concentrated on the Los Angeles area and oversaw the design of 36 prototype homes, sought to make available plans for modern residences that could be easily and cheaply constructed during the postwar building boom.

The program's chief motivating force was Arts & Architecture editor John Entenza, a champion of modernism who had all the right connections to attract some of architecture's greatest talents, such as Richard Neutra, Charles and Ray Eames, and Eero Saarinen. Highly experimental, the program generated houses that were designed to re-define the modern home, and thus had a pronounced influence on architecture-American and international-both during the program's existence and even to this day.

TASCHEN brings you a monumental retrospective of the entire program with comprehensive documentation, brilliant photographs from the period and, for the houses still in existence, contemporary photos, as well as extensive floor plans and sketches.

About the editor:

Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He is the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series.

About the photographer:

A resident of Los Angeles since 1920, Julius Shulman documented modernist architecture in Southern California and across the globe for nearly eight decades. His images of Pierre Koenig's Case Study House No. 22 (1960) in Los Angeles and Richard J. Neutra's Kaufmann House (1947) in Palm Springs are among the most recognizable and iconic architectural photographs of the 20th century. Shulman's interest in photography developed into a career when he photographed Neutra's Kun Residence in Los Angeles with his Kodak Vestpocket camera in 1936. Neutra admired young Shulman's images and continued to commission his work. Other leading architects of the time followed suit, as did hundreds of magazines, newspapers, and book publishers. Shulman's numerous awards include the Architectural Photography Medal from the American Institute of Architects (1969), a lifetime achievement award from the International Center of Photography in New York (1998), and honorary doctorates from various academic institutions. He died on July 15, 2009 at the age of 98.

About the author:

Elizabeth A. T. Smith is the former Chief Curator and Deputy Director for programs at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. Previously a curator at MOCA Los Angeles, where she organized "Blueprints for Modern Living: History and Legacy of the Case Study Houses, " Smith has taught at the University of Southern California and the School of the Art Institute in Chicago. She has curated numerous exhibitions and published widely on various aspects of contemporary art and architecture.

Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 218169
ISBN: 978-3-8365-1021-9-
Автор: Smith Elizabeth A.T

Case Study Houses
5060 руб.
Classic Greenwich Style
Classic Greenwich Style
Greenwich is one of the most exclusive and desirable communities in America. With houses that are among the country's most beautiful examples of colonial, Tudor, and English country style, Greenwich is known for a standard of beauty and luxury that demonstrates a life well lived, and homes with furnishings that are meant to be well lived in.

Greenwich style may have grown out of a look that is associated with the town and the houses in it, but its philosophy may be used anywhere. Greenwich style means built for forever. It is meant for generations of children and holidays to be shared under one roof, unchanging in its relevance even while those within the walls grow and change. Greenwich maintains its distinct style without succumbing to the trends that so quickly change society and disappear soon after.

This book offers a selection of homes that coveted designer Cindy Rinfret has designed in or around Greenwich-in town, off the Sound, in the country-as well as a home or two located elsewhere but decorated in the tradition of Greenwich style. Her approach is universal, as it always centers around the lifestyle of a family, and takes into consideration both appearance and functionality. By opening these doors, she shows homeowners and decorators who covet the look and style of her work how they can can create it for themselves. All-new photography invites readers insde the eleven homes in the book, from their long, tree-lined driveways through their gracious entryways and into their classically elegant rooms.

This book is not about a place but about a style that remains fresh and relevant today while also showing tinges of the history that has cultivated its vibrancy and richness. The homes of Greenwich reflect well-placed values and welcome friends and family with an air of warmth, generosity, and grace.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Rizzoli
Артикул: 225873
ISBN: 9-780-8478-2846-3
Автор: Rinfret Cindy

Classic Greenwich Style
2944 руб.
Colour is Home A Brave Guide to Designing Classic
Colour is Home A Brave Guide to Designing Classic
In this gorgeously inspirational and effortlessly practical book, Charlotte Coote guides readers through the process of designing a space, from creating the original design brief through to the finished room. Using her five principles of design - timelessness, authenticity, lifestyle, scale and quality - Charlotte shows how to balance comfort and style, light and shadow, colour and neutrals, old and new. Charlotte's bold and decisive style is like a breath of fresh air, with easy-to-follow tips and ideas for wall colours, kitchen finishes, furniture and fabrics to achieve rich and layered interiors.

An essential stylebook, Colour Is Home will help you create a home that will stand the test of time.

Серия: Art Interiors
Год: 2022
Производитель: Thames&Hudson
Артикул: 930583
ISBN: 9781760761561
Автор: Coote Charlotte

Colour is Home A Brave Guide to Designing Classic
8891 руб.
Compendium Kitchens
Compendium Kitchens
An inexhaustible source of inspiration for anyone wanting to have a new kitchen installed.
Год: 2010
Производитель: PAGE ONE
Артикул: 261998
ISBN: 9789812457998

Compendium Kitchens
2484 руб.
Contemporary Interiors. A Source of Design Ideas
Contemporary Interiors. A Source of Design Ideas
Contemporary Interiors showcases a wide range of twenty-first-century residences by world-renowned architects and designers. Filled with more than 300 color illustrations, specialist Philip Jodidio compiles from around the globe fifty of the most innovative homes designed and built within the last five years. Whether urban or rural, large or small, the book has projects that are international in scope: a summer home in Montauk by Roman and Williams, Houssein Jarouche's apartment in Brazil by Triptyque; a David Adjaye house in West London; a Luxembourg ecogreen house by Richard Meier; a Studio Mumbai Palmyra house in India; a Shigeru Ban-designed villa in Sri Lanka; a Tadao Ando house in Monterrey; Sean Godsell's Edward Street House in Melbourne, Australia. The book has hundreds of design ideas from minimialist white to cozy color that can be applied to each room of the house.

Sou Fujimoto experiments with a house that is entirely open, without clearly defined floors; Werner Sobek's B10 House is designed to be dismantled in one day and rebuilt in the same time frame; Eduardo Arroyo's house in Spain has iridescent polycarbonate walls that change colors with the light; the Leaf House by Mareines and Patalano architects has a curving swimming pool that enters the house and passes below the dining room where it becomes a pond with aquatic plants and fish; Steven Holl's gallery and house in Seoul has his signature door that wraps into a corner, notched walls, and neo-constructivist lighting fixtures.
Год: 2022
Производитель: Rizzoli
Артикул: 842534
ISBN: 9780847848041
Автор: Jodidio Philip

Contemporary Interiors. A Source of Design Ideas
8782 руб.
Contemporary Living in Russia
Contemporary Living in Russia
Contemporary Living in Russia - первое в своем роде европейское издание целиком и полностью посвященное российскому интерьерному дизайну. Результат совместной работы Бельгийского издательства Beta-Plus и ADD Communication Agency.

Интерьер как отражение национального характера представлен на двухстах страницах нового издания Contemporary Living in Russia!

Книга издана, как своего рода, резюме конкурса "Лучшие проекты архитекторов и дизайнеров России", организованного коммуникационным агентством ADD. Сегодня это первое в своем роде европейское издание целиком и полностью посвященное российскому интерьерному дизайну, за право публикации в котором соревновались лучшие мастера Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга и других регионов.

Максим Лангуев, Слава Валовень, Сергей Чобан, Ирина Дымова, Лейла Улуханли, Елена Бомаш и Ольга Стебакова и другие, чьи имена не нуждаются в рекламе, чьи проекты на протяжении последних лет перепечатывает профессиональный интерьерно-архитектурный глянец. Contemporary living in Russia - это сборник лучших из проектов, предоставляющий возможность читателю не только получить исчерпывающее впечатление о современном российском дизайне, но и вникнуть в детали творческого процесса, обнаружить взаимосвязи, окунуться в предложенную увлекательную игру.
Год: 2015
Производитель: Beta-Plus
Артикул: 481837
ISBN: 978-90-8944-145-4

Contemporary Living in Russia
4329 руб.
Conterporary House Deign
Conterporary House Deign
This book presents an international selection of outstanding contemporary private homes. Various images of interior and exterior views illustrate these modern architectonical gems.

Серия: Reference book
Год: 2010
Производитель: DAAB
Артикул: 225833
ISBN: 978-3-86654-057-6

Conterporary House Deign
3681 руб.
Cool Hotels Europe / Роскошные отели Европы
Cool Hotels Europe / Роскошные отели Европы
В книгу включены самые лучшие отели Европы.

Издание красочно иллюстрировано сотнями цветных фотографий гостиниц.

Книга на английском, немецком, французском, испанском, итальянском языках.

Серия: Designpockets
Год: 2004
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 118952
ISBN: 3-8238-4582-9
Автор: Kunz Martin Nicholas

Cool Hotels Europe / Роскошные отели Европы
944 руб.
Cool Shops Tokyo
Cool Shops Tokyo
Tokyo is one of the most trendsetting metropolitan cities in the world, producing innovative design and architecture characterized by its highly minimalist and plain interiors. The city is home to the shops of young designers and major brands, ranging from cosmetic and fashion labels to luxury car manufacturers. This book presents the best of the shopping world, with useful addresses and a map of the city.

A rich heritage of Japanese tradition meets the best of international trends in Tokyo's cutting-edge boutiques and stores. As you'd expect from a dynamic and forwarding-looking city, the shops in Tokyo have an innovative flair unequalled anywhere else. If you're looking for the quirkiness of Tokyo's youth culture, or the understated elegance of Asia's business capital, you'll find it all in this Japanese metropolis. This comprehensive guide leads you to the very best shopping this remarkable city has to offer.
Год: 2010
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 246963
ISBN: 3-8327-9122-1

Cool Shops Tokyo
782 руб.
Creating Home. Design for Living
Creating Home. Design for Living
When we think about what home is, many of us would say a house that is soulful and welcoming, a place with an inviting porch and a lush garden, a welcoming entryway and well-crafted living spaces that will nurture our private moments and expand to welcome guests. In this alluring new book, Keith Summerour shares nine houses, exploring their architecture, interiors, and grounds, to illustrate a new idea of home. Reinterpreting and making new his own Southern legacy that speaks both of aristocratic charm and homespun appeal, these homes range from rustic retreats that draw their power from the land to elegant manor houses, but all share extraordinary character and charm that nod to history while reflecting the way people wish to live in the world today. Enriched by the work of some of the top interior decorators working today, including Beth Webb, Barbara Westbrook, Circa Interiors, and Liza Bryan, as well as world-renowned landscape designers Jeremy Smearman and John Howard, and beautifully illustrated with all-new photography, Creating Home is the ultimate dream book.
Год: 2021
Производитель: Rizzoli
Артикул: 813860
ISBN: 9780847858736
Автор: Summerour Keith, Kristal Marc

Creating Home. Design for Living
9811 руб.
Creative Walls. How to Display and Enjoy Your Treasured Collections
Creative Walls. How to Display and Enjoy Your Treasured Collections
In this inspirational guide, Geraldine James, veteran collector of all things beautiful, shows you ways to organize and display your treasured collections to celebrate their uniqueness and your creativity. Collections of quirky items can illuminate a little corner, whereas a teenager's bedroom will transform instantly when hoarded sports memorabilia makes the leap from the floor to the wall in a bold, clever arrangement. Look for unusual spaces and items: line up a series of themed prints above a picture rail, set heaps of floral china plates in grand style above the fireplace or simply add a mirror into a display to instantly create another in its image. Chapter by chapter, discover how to arrange virtually anything from scratch, rearrange the collections you treasure to best effect and begin a journey into color, textures, and themes to create elegant displays that give a home character and charm. From a memory wall of sepia family photographs to witty collections of kitsch art, this clever guide shows how to create a look that will bring any space to life.
Год: 2011
Производитель: CICO Books
Артикул: 930292
ISBN: 9781782497486
Автор: James Geraldine

Creative Walls. How to Display and Enjoy Your Treasured Collections
5049 руб.
Decorative Art 50s
Decorative Art 50s
Published annually from 1906 until 1980, Decorative Art, The Studio Yearbook was dedicated to the latest currents in architecture, interiors, furniture, lighting, glassware, textiles, metalware, and ceramics. Since the publications went out of print, the now hard-to-find yearbooks have become highly prized by collectors and dealers.

TASCHEN's Decorative Art 50s explores the spirit of optimism and the fervent consumerism of the decade. Technology and construction had been enervated by research during the war and these discoveries could now be applied in peacetime. The popularization of plastics, fiberglass, and latex literally shaped the decade. Rising incomes and postwar rebuilding on bother sides of the Atlantic led to a massive housing boom in both the suburbs and inner cities, and these new homes reflected the new style. While European design was extraordinarily inventive, American design was looking to an idealized vision of the future-between them a modern idiom was developed that can be seen vividly on these pages. This overview of the decade includes the work of such famous innovators as Charles and Ray Eames, George Nelson, Hans Wegner, and Gio Ponti.
Год: 2013
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 398726
ISBN: 978-3-8365-4458-0

Decorative Art 50s
1528 руб.
Dmitry Kulish & Anna Karpova. LVA-Interior. Private & Commercial Spaces
Dmitry Kulish & Anna Karpova. LVA-Interior. Private & Commercial Spaces
Творческий союз архитекторов Дмитрия Кулиша и Анны Карповой сложился волей судьбы. В продвинутом и преуспевающем архитектурном бюро с непростым названием "Лаборатория виртуальной архитектуры" было решено выделить дизайн интерьера в независимое подразделение - и именно их пригласили его возглавить. Так архитекторы начали проектировать вместе, не представляя себе в тот момент, насколько долгим и плодотворным будет это сотрудничество. Свой успех сами они объясняют ещё и тем, что старт пришёлся на начало 2000-х - начало десятилетия экономического благоденствия. Проекты Карповой и Кулиша относятся в большей степени к категории премиального интерьера, что во многом определило узнаваемую стилистику этих авторов. Однако главное, к чему они стремятся в своих работах, - отвечать скоротечному и убыстряющемуся времени. Архитектура, в том числе и интерьерная, не может позволить себе быть модной, ведь мода быстро меняется; постараться предугадать, предвидеть, предрассчитать актуальность пространства на годы вперёд - вот та очень конкретная и очень непростая задача, которую они перед собой ставят.
Год: 2017
Производитель: TATLIN
Артикул: 596844
ISBN: 978-5-00075-113-8

Dmitry Kulish & Anna Karpova. LVA-Interior. Private & Commercial Spaces
1167 руб.
Dream Log Homes and Plans
Dream Log Homes and Plans
More people are building log homes than ever before. In fact, according to the Log Home Council (LHC) of the National Association of Home Builders, sales have doubled over the last decade. "Almost 90 percent of these houses are their owners' primary home and 84 percent are built in or near metropolitan areas, " says the LHC. "Dream Log Homes" addresses the design needs of existing and potential log home owners and offers inspiration and advice for adding custom, personal touches.
Год: 2008
Производитель: CreativeStudio
Артикул: 813561
ISBN: 9781580114004
Автор: Winfield Barbara

Dream Log Homes and Plans
6835 руб.
Feels Like Home. Relaxed Interiors for a Meaningful Life
Feels Like Home. Relaxed Interiors for a Meaningful Life
The third design book from the TV and social media star and author of Habitat and Down to Earth, Feels Like Home explores the emotional connection that a home can have to a person's life

A house is a feeling. That is the conceit behind designer Lauren Liess's third book, which explores the emotional connection between the way we decorate our homes and our daily lives. She advises readers to think beyond just the objects in their homes and explore how design informs an intentional, happy, and authentic life.

The book includes practical design information, with never-before-seen case studies on a variety of homes including a beach cottage, a farmhouse, a home in the woods, a Spanish colonial, and other more traditional homes. Each case study explores a hardworking design aspect (such as proportion, scale, and color), while also focusing on the emotional aspect of the home. The chapters are inspired by the following themes: comfort, calm, excitement, belonging, carefree, love, and contentment.

Серия: Art Interiors
Год: 2021
Производитель: Abrams
Артикул: 842807
ISBN: 9781419751196
Автор: Liess Lauren

Feels Like Home. Relaxed Interiors for a Meaningful Life
8602 руб.
French Chateau Style. Inside France s Most Exquisite Private Homes
French Chateau Style. Inside France's Most Exquisite Private Homes
The doors of centuries-old French chateaux are thrown wide open in this sumptuous photographic cross-country tour. Readers will gain entry to a stunning array of stylish private homes within beautiful historic buildings, each one representing very different approaches to decor and preservation.

When she discovered that nearly half of France's 44, 000 heritage sites were chateaux in various states of repair, Catherine Scotto embarked on a journey to find out who, exactly, lived in these medieval fortresses and, more importantly, what they were like on the inside. From Normandy to Provence and everywhere in between the owners of these chateaux -including decorators, antique dealers, artists, and collectors-represent the epitome of French culture and taste. Each chateau is presented in double-page full-color spreads that feature alluring interiors and information about the hosts and their design journeys. There's something for everyone here-whether it's homes where simplicity and minimalism reign, rooms as exuberantly busy as a 14th-century tapestry, or interiors transformed by surprising, era-bending feats. Morel's breathtaking, naturally lit photographs of generous kitchens, cozy drawing rooms, spacious bedrooms, ingeniously imagined bathrooms, and intriguing hallways and stairwells offer endless inspiration, while Scotto's engaging text gives readers a feel for the kinds of people who take on such a daunting yet satisfying challenge.
Год: 2022
Производитель: Prestel
Артикул: 918646
ISBN: 9783791388021
Автор: Scotto Catherine

French Chateau Style. Inside France's Most Exquisite Private Homes
12462 руб.
Full Color Japanese Designs and Motifs
Full Color Japanese Designs and Motifs
Dragons, tigers, cranes, peacocks, and peonies abound in this dazzling collection of popular Japanese motifs. So do other designs featuring flowers, plants, and animals. Geometric, abstract, and allover patterns are also included. More than 130 authentic illustrations serve as a wonderful source of inspiration for original design work.
Год: 2006
Производитель: Dover
Артикул: 329117
ISBN: 978-0-486-44891-6

Full Color Japanese Designs and Motifs
371 руб.
Glамурный Дом
Glамурный Дом
Автор бестселлеров о современной буржуазии, неутомимая бизнес-леди приглашает вас в мир восхитительных и бесподобных интерьеров. Оксана Робски, прочно зарекомендовавшая себя как специалист по гламуру, предлагает вам множество вариантов оформления интерьера при помощи тканей, мебели и отдельных элементов декора. Одна из самых популярных жительниц Рублевки открывает перед вами двери своего дома и домов своих знаменитых друзей, уникальных и сугубо индивидуальных по стилю. Интерьеры, собранные в книге, советы их хозяев и профессиональных декораторов помогут вам найти собственное видение идеального жилища и создать роскошную атмосферу гламурного дома.
Год: 2006
Производитель: ОлмаМедиаГрупп/Просвещение
Артикул: 113817
ISBN: 5-373-00710-2
Автор: Робски Оксана

Glамурный Дом
770 руб.
Gwathmey & Siegel
Gwathmey & Siegel
Founded in 1968, this firm of architects with its headquarters in New York offers services in architecture, town planning, interior decoration, and the design of objects. In the course of its 32 years in professional practice, the company has developed more than three hundred projects in different parts of the world. Among these are projects of a corporate, educational, cultural, governmental, and private character.

The more than 80 people that comprise the group have earned an international reputation with some 100 design awards, a continuous renown in both the general and the specialized press, and inclusion of their works in numerous exhibitions.

Text in English
Год: 2002
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 246813
ISBN: 84-96048-25-X, 84-96048-25-Х

Gwathmey & Siegel
624 руб.
Hi-Tec Architecture
Hi-Tec Architecture
This new series focuses on brand new trends in architecture and interior design. High Tech Architecture deals with projects all around the world, showing a trendsetting use of new materials and high-tech design. Especially new trends with glas, steel and mediafacades are featured. About 50 projects are presented in alphabetical order of the respective architects and designers. Beside numerous images, also plans and texts introduce to the projects. An index with contact information is enclosed.

Серия: Reference book
Год: 2010
Производитель: DAAB
Артикул: 225834
ISBN: 978-3-86654-020-0

Hi-Tec Architecture
3681 руб.
Hign Density Housing Architecture
Hign Density Housing Architecture
The pressure exerted on cities in recent decades is extremely evident. There is no need for one to consult official statistics to realize that cities are turning into the place where most of the population prefers to live and work. Residing downtown or in inner city areas, where business and cultural activities are to be found, is very practical and with more advantages than those that were to be had in suburban areas only a few years ago. Employment is also concentrated in urban areas, and this explains the progressive population decline in rural areas of developed countries. "High Density Housing Architecture" shows different types of multi-residential buildings situated in urban centers as a metaphor for the growing overcrowding of cities and for what some call the 'new global lifestyle'. These pages document some twenty-five low and high density residential projects in cities such as Istanbul, New York, Tokyo, Mexico City and Sydney.

Издание на английском языке.
Год: 2010
Производитель: PAGE ONE
Артикул: 225855
ISBN: 9789812458292
Автор: Duran Sergi Costa

Hign Density Housing Architecture
2080 руб.
Homebody. Дом с вашим характером
Homebody. Дом с вашим характером
О книге

Джоанна Гейнс рассказывает, как создать дом, отражающий ваш характер и хранящий вашу историю. Комната за комнатой, автор ведет вас к единой концепции интерьера. Вы узнаете о разных стилях дизайна и о том, как найти тот, который будет по-настоящему вашим.

В книге подробно описываются дизайнерские решения, использованные Джоанной в собственном загородном доме и домах ее клиентов. Вдумчивый подход и внимание к деталям, культивируемое в этой книге, настраивают на обдуманный подход к проектированию. Вас вдохновят великолепные иллюстрации - и совсем скоро вы начнете создавать свое уютное гнездышко по-новому.

В конце книги вы найдете удобный шаблон для создания планировок. Заполнив его, вы сделаете первый шаг к дому мечты, который не захочется покидать.

Для кого эта книга

Для всех, кто хочет создать уютный, воодушевляющий интерьер в собственном стиле.

Для преподавателей и учеников, практикующих дизайнеров интерьера.

Для всех, кому не подходят типовые дизайнерские решения и приемы.

Об авторе

Джоанна Гейнс - дизайнер и декоратор. Родилась в Канзасе, а выросла в Техасе. Окончила Бэйлорский университет в Уэйко, получив специальность журналиста. Во время стажировки в Нью-Йорке, открыла для себя мир дизайна. Джоанне нравится традиционный уклад жизни, когда ценятся простота и честный труд, а центром мира для человека является его дом.

Сейчас Джоанна и ее муж Чип Гейнс является соучредителями и совладельцами компаний Magnolia Home, Magnolia Market и Magnolia Realty в городе Уэйко. Они ведут популярное реалити-шоу, где Джоанна выступает в роли главного дизайнера, а Чип отвечает за строительство.

Чип и Джоанна недавно выпустили автобиографию "История "Магнолии"" (The Magnolia Story). Книга повествует об их совместной жизни - со знакомства и первых отремонтированных домов до собственного телешоу и бизнеса.

В свободное время Джоанна наслаждается жизнью на ферме, ведет блог и готовит блюда по фамильным рецептам. Садоводство помогает ей обрести душевный покой, но больше всего на свете она любит проводить время со своими пятью детьми.
Год: 2024
Производитель: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
Артикул: 10000057
ISBN: 978-5-00146-355-9

Homebody. Дом с вашим характером
449 руб.
Homebody. Дом с вашим характером
Homebody. Дом с вашим характером
О книге

Джоанна Гейнс рассказывает, как создать дом, отражающий ваш характер и хранящий вашу историю. Комната за комнатой, автор ведет вас к единой концепции интерьера. Вы узнаете о разных стилях дизайна и о том, как найти тот, который будет по-настоящему вашим.

В книге подробно описываются дизайнерские решения, использованные Джоанной в собственном загородном доме и домах ее клиентов. Вдумчивый подход и внимание к деталям, культивируемое в этой книге, настраивают на обдуманный подход к проектированию. Вас вдохновят великолепные иллюстрации - и совсем скоро вы начнете создавать свое уютное гнездышко по-новому.

В конце книги вы найдете удобный шаблон для создания планировок. Заполнив его, вы сделаете первый шаг к дому мечты, который не захочется покидать.

Для кого эта книга

Для всех, кто хочет создать уютный, воодушевляющий интерьер в собственном стиле.

Для преподавателей и учеников, практикующих дизайнеров интерьера.

Для всех, кому не подходят типовые дизайнерские решения и приемы.

Об авторе

Джоанна Гейнс - дизайнер и декоратор. Родилась в Канзасе, а выросла в Техасе. Окончила Бэйлорский университет в Уэйко, получив специальность журналиста. Во время стажировки в Нью-Йорке, открыла для себя мир дизайна. Джоанне нравится традиционный уклад жизни, когда ценятся простота и честный труд, а центром мира для человека является его дом.

Сейчас Джоанна и ее муж Чип Гейнс является соучредителями и совладельцами компаний Magnolia Home, Magnolia Market и Magnolia Realty в городе Уэйко. Они ведут популярное реалити-шоу, где Джоанна выступает в роли главного дизайнера, а Чип отвечает за строительство.

Чип и Джоанна недавно выпустили автобиографию "История "Магнолии"" (The Magnolia Story). Книга повествует об их совместной жизни - со знакомства и первых отремонтированных домов до собственного телешоу и бизнеса.

В свободное время Джоанна наслаждается жизнью на ферме, ведет блог и готовит блюда по фамильным рецептам. Садоводство помогает ей обрести душевный покой, но больше всего на свете она любит проводить время со своими пятью детьми.

Серия: Дом и интерьер
Год: 2020
Производитель: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
Артикул: 719297
ISBN: 978-5-00146-355-9
Автор: Гейнс Джоанна

Homebody. Дом с вашим характером
2450 руб.
House Solutions: Периодическое издание. Архитектура, дизайн, ландшафт. Выпуск 1, 2005
House Solutions: Периодическое издание. Архитектура, дизайн, ландшафт. Выпуск 1, 2005
Год: 2005
Производитель: Аплодисменты
Артикул: 79671
ISBN: 1815-6681

House Solutions: Периодическое издание. Архитектура, дизайн, ландшафт. Выпуск 1, 2005
560 руб.
Creating your dream house - a prospect as exciting as it is daunting. Michael Smith, a favorite among celebrity clientele, reveals the method of his design magic. Offering thoughtful ideas and practical advice, the designer walks the reader through his process, from the gathering of resource material (from magazines and iconic films to something as simple as a shell or a swatch of vintage fabric), expertly pairing simpler and grander elements (or inexpensive with more extravagant objects), perfecting the editing process, to knowing when a room is finished. Detailing the nearly encyclopedic range of styles he culls from to create his signature style, the designer describes recent examples of his work, beginning with a modest and quirkily designed house in Bel Air, Smith redid for himself. Razed, rebuilt, and decorated over the course of five years, the house allowed Smith to experiment and explore ideas freely and the result is a gracious home, as welcoming as it is stylish. In addition to his California residence, twenty other projects are featured, from a New England clapboard to a Malibu villa overlooking the Pacific to a city townhouse. In each, Smith deconstructs the elements which come together to make the ideal home.

Литература на английском языке.
Год: 2008
Производитель: Rizzoli
Артикул: 225886
ISBN: 978-0-8478-3070-1
Автор: Smith Michael S

3068 руб.
Hygge дома. Секреты уюта по-датски
Hygge дома. Секреты уюта по-датски
Новая книга автора международного бестселлера Hygge. Секрет датского счастья о том, как использовать пространство, освещение и датский дизайн, чтобы ваш дом преобразился в соответствии с вашими потребностями.
Сегодня важнее, чем когда-либо, сделать наши дома удобным и комфортным жизненным пространством, местом, где мы чувствуем себя в безопасности. Только дома можно по-настоящему быть собой, расслабляться, а также переживать моменты, которые будут потом вспоминаться вместе с родными и близкими. Вдохновленная датским дизайном и традициями, прекрасная книга Майка Викинга подсказывает, как создать уют, взяв за основу то, как живут счастливейшие люди в мире датчане.
Суть хюгге состоит в том, чтобы сделать обычное жилище настоящим домом местом, с которым вы чувствуете связь и где вам действительно комфортно. Подумайте над тем, что может позитивно сказаться на вашем здоровье и благополучии, а затем преобразуйте личное пространство так, чтобы ваши идеи воплотились в реальность . (Майк Викинг)

Серия: Популярная психология для бизнеса и жизни
Год: 2023
Производитель: КоЛибри
Артикул: 949224
ISBN: 978-5-389-19576-9
Автор: Викинг Майк

Hygge дома. Секреты уюта по-датски
958 руб.
Inside Asia
Inside Asia
Zen. Soothing. Mystical. Meditative. All the most serene words in the world couldn't begin to describe the effect of Asia's most beautiful interiors. Whether it's a temple in Vietnam, a coffee plantation in Java, or a Tadao Ando-designed house in Japan, each interior chosen for this book is remarkable not only for its aesthetics but for its spirit. The book is "clothed" in a silk-like curry-colored fabric adorned with chrysanthemum flowers. These interiors have what it takes to transport you to a sacred place; breathe deeply, delve in, and be inspired.

About the editor:

Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.

About the photographer:

Swiss photographer Reto Guntli, based in Zurich, regularly travels the world shooting for international magazines. He has published numerous books and contributed to TASCHEN publications such as Inside Asia, Living in Japan, Living in Bali, Great Escapes Asia and Great Escapes Europe.

About the author:

Sunil Sethi is a leading journalist, newspaper columnist, and television anchor based in India. His writings have appeared in a variety of publications around the world.

Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 207060
ISBN: 978-3-8228-4819-7
Автор: Sethi Sunil

Inside Asia
3857 руб.
Inside the Not So Big House. Discovering the Details that Bring a Home to Life
Inside the Not So Big House. Discovering the Details that Bring a Home to Life
Best-selling author of The Not So Big House Sarah Susanka teams up with architectural design writer Marc Vassallo to expand upon the message that has resonated with over a million homeowners and builders across the country: opting for personalized, well-crafted, thoughtfully designed spaces over superfluous square footage results in a home that comforts and nourishes those who live there. Susanka and Vassallo focus their lens on the tangible and sometimes intangible details that bring an otherwise ordinary home to life. Incorporating such details as dropped ceilings, built-in shelves, pocket doors, window seats, and well-placed alcoves infuses a home with the character of its owners and conveys a uniqueness that's mising in many homes built or remodeled today. From Rhode Island to San Diego, the 23 homes featured here illustrate exceptional attention to detail. Each offers inspiration for those building or remodeling to transform their home into an expression of all that is important to them.
Год: 2007
Производитель: The Taunton Press
Артикул: 813785
ISBN: 9781561589845
Автор: Susanka Sarah, Vassallo Marc

Inside the Not So Big House. Discovering the Details that Bring a Home to Life
4457 руб.
Inspired by Nature. Creating a Personal and Natural Interior
Inspired by Nature. Creating a Personal and Natural Interior
'This book is such a page-turner, I just want to fill my eyes up with more and more of the patina-filled rooms and Hans' styling.' Review of In the Mood for Colour, Jeska Hearne, Lobster & Swan blog.

In Hans Blomquist's new book Inspired by Nature, the stylist and art director identifies the connection between our home environment and our emotional wellbeing.

Celebrated art director and stylist Hans starts off by discussing the essential components of a well-loved home. Nature is at the heart of his decorating philosophy, and contact with the natural world has been linked to reduced stress levels and improved mood. Still lifes and displays of treasured pieces are key to his look, and Hans explains how to style vignettes that will add visual interest as well as a connection to our past. Using contrasting yet harmonious textures will engage our senses, while his favoured earthy palette creates a sense of calm and tranquillity just where we need it most. In the second part of the book, Homes, Hans takes us on a tour of real-life homes that possess a sense of comfort, contentment and beauty and will inspire the reader to create a home that offers a refuge from the wider world as well as the perfect place to welcome family and friends.
Год: 2023
Производитель: Ryland, Peters & Small
Артикул: 927146
ISBN: 9781788790215
Автор: Blomquist Hans

Inspired by Nature. Creating a Personal and Natural Interior
7413 руб.
InterName. Архитектор Уборевич-Боровский
InterName. Архитектор Уборевич-Боровский
В настоящем издании собраны проекты частных и общественных интерьеров, разработанные известным архитектором Борисом Уборевичем-Боровским - одной из самых заметных фигур в области современного российского интерьера. В числе опубликованных работ мастера - решенный в современном стиле с элементами классики ресторан "R 18/12", минималистичный лофт в Жуковке, пентхаус на улице Улофа Пальме и другие. Об Уборевиче-Боровском часто говорят как о лидере среди игроков рынка жилых интерьеров Москвы, и почти 35 лет профессиональной деятельности есть тому прямое подтверждение. Он не просто понимает важность выстраивания отношений с заказчиком, а каждый раз берет это знание за правило и начинает продумывать проект, апеллируя к неповторимым портретным чертам хозяина квартиры. Стиль Уборевича-Боровского, выработанный за последние два десятилетия, вполне узнаваем: это чистейший, отточенный минимализм. Именно поэтому к его интерьерам стоит подходить с мерками не дизайна, а архитектуры внутреннего пространства. Многие более или менее успешно пытаются повторить его работы или сделать дизайн "под Уборевича". Но пока никому не удалось раскрыть секрет его успеха. Возможно, читатель этой книги сумеет приблизиться к разгадке.
Год: 2017
Производитель: TATLIN
Артикул: 572087
ISBN: 978-5-00075-101-5
Автор: Ширяев Даниил

InterName. Архитектор Уборевич-Боровский
2585 руб.
Interior Sketcher. Master Edition. Практическое пособие по интерьерному скетчингу
Interior Sketcher. Master Edition. Практическое пособие по интерьерному скетчингу
Издание является максимально подробным практическим пособием по обучению интерьерному скетчингу для людей с разным уровнем подготовки. Здесь есть все, что нужно для самостоятельного обучения, полное описание необходимых инструментов, легкий способ построения перспективы, техника работы маркерами, пошаговые инструкции по созданию скетчей интерьеров, работа с тенями, методика построения мебели в рисунке и упражнения для тренировки.

В INTERIORSKETCHER Master Edition вы найдете описание необходимых графических инструментов для скетчинга, узнаете, какую бумагу выбрать для рисунка и как подобрать необходимую палитру маркеров. Познакомитесь с авторским способом построения перспективы, который мы изучаем на занятиях со студентами. Этот способ позволит вам создавать интерьеры по плану помещения любой сложности без особых затрат времени на построение. Также вы освоите методику нанесения теней в рисунке, а выполняя предложенные упражнения, будете постепенно нарабатывать технику рисунка. В завершение вы сможете пошагово сделать полноценный скетч интерьера по плану.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Сергей Тихомиров
Артикул: 780748
ISBN: 9785001714705

Interior Sketcher. Master Edition. Практическое пособие по интерьерному скетчингу
1561 руб.
Interiores Manimalistas
Interiores Manimalistas
In the interiors included in this volume, light, form, colour and texture get ride of the superfluousness in order to materialize pure spaces. Pictures in full colour in a small format book and great content. From the same collection: Hoteles, Banos, Cafes arquitectura e interiores, Casas, Oficinas, Chill out arquitectura e interiores, Diseno de casas, Diseno de interiores, Casas junto al agua, Gaudi, Hoteles, Small homes, Houses design, Interiores minimalistas, Lofts, Minimalism architecture, Arquitectura minimalista, Oficinas, Pequenos espacios domesticos, Piscinas, Legorreta & Legorreta, Restaurantes arquitectura e interiores, Restaurantes con terraza.

Text in English, Spanish
Год: 2003
Производитель: Onlybook
Артикул: 246827
ISBN: 987-97781-6-2
Автор: Cuito Aurora

Interiores Manimalistas
1711 руб.
Interiores Maximalistas
Interiores Maximalistas
Maximalism is the biggest smaller brother, is the new famous cause. Including all exclusively. It conquers the divisionary ideology. Maximize to the maximum! = sometimes.

Text in Spanish.
Год: 2003
Производитель: Onlybook
Артикул: 246820
ISBN: 84-96137-38-4
Автор: Castillo Encarna

Interiores Maximalistas
1921 руб.
Interiors Now!
Interiors Now!
A tour of contemporary home decor around the world

With an inspirational richness and diversity of styles, these homes, residences, hideaways, and studios will astound and astonish, no matter the taste; be it rustic country cottage, New York style loft, or bohemian bungalow. This survey of contemporary interior design carefully curates homes from all over the world from Auckland, New Zealand, to Avignon, France.

Mapped out through hundreds of images by renowned interior photographers, these gorgeous houses offer inspiration and ideas for your next renovation. Many of the selected homes are owned by creatives designers, filmmakers, and collectors whose eye for the perfect synthesis of interior elements is impressive, to say the least. Bringing together wallpaper, furniture, textiles, and objet d art while cautiously balancing color, texture, and form, the creators of these dynamic spaces practice an art form of their own.

Eclectic or minimal, antique or extra-modern, this variety of decor locates contemporary style in all its manifestations, showcasing the endless possibilities and home-making magic of interior design.

Серия: 40th Anniversary Edition
Год: 2022
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 879965
ISBN: 9783836591959
Автор: Taschen Aurelia

Interiors Now!
5861 руб.
Interiors: Inspiration & Materials
Interiors: Inspiration & Materials
Interiors: Inspiration & Materials is the perfect book for anyone who wants to transform their house into a personal place reflecting their way of life. This comprehensive guide provides information on which materials can be used for floors, walls, ceilings, in kitchens or bathrooms with an objective and detailed introduction explaining the specific characteristics of each material. In addition to the technical information, the advantages and disadvantages of each material are described so that the reader gets a deep understanding of how the choice of concrete or bamboo for a floor or the usage of wood or ceramics on a wall will transform the space.
Год: 2011
Производитель: VIVAYS
Артикул: 314208
ISBN: 978-1-908126-12-2
Автор: Pauwels Hilde, Bossier Barbara

Interiors: Inspiration & Materials
1785 руб.
International Style. Modernist Architrcture from 1925 to 1965
International Style. Modernist Architrcture from 1925 to 1965
The years from 1925 to 1965 were marked by an optimistic belief that the new technologies of industrialization, spread by applying rational ideas to architecture and urbanism, would produce a qualitatively better world. This "Project of Modernity" was concerned with social agenda as well as form, an aspect that is now sometimes forgotten. The expressions of modern architecture were characterized by a number of different twentieth-century movements, dominated by the International Style. In the 1920s several strands of modernism - Expressionism, Futurism, Functionalism, to name only three of the "isms" - converged into an approach to architecture that is termed internationalist. It was an approach that was global not only in its aspirations and its concerns but also in the presentation of its architecture.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 296509
ISBN: 978-3-8365-1052-3
Автор: Khan Hasan-Udin

International Style. Modernist Architrcture from 1925 to 1965
1049 руб.
Jacques Garcia. A Sicilian Dream
Jacques Garcia. A Sicilian Dream
On the outskirts of the spectacular baroque town of Noto, Sicily, Jacques Garcia has transformed an ancient monastery into an abode of earthly bliss.

Celebrated interior designer Jacques Garcia invites readers inside his private residence in Sicily for the first time. The former monastery, rebuilt in Noto's characteristic golden limestone, boasts spectacular salons that have been restored with a profusion of noble materials and techniques: colored marbles, flamboyant stuccowork, majolica tiles, damask silks, and velvets. Time stops in the elegant music room, decorated with embroidered silks and rococo-style mirrors that reflect the decor to infinity; the gilded dining room is hung with silk damask wall coverings and an eighteenth-century Murano chandelier and furnished with Chantilly porcelain and antique Italian rococo chairs. The grand marble salon features baroque paintings and a stunning collection of sculpture and Sicilian furniture.

The exquisite villa-surrounded by shaded terraces planted with towering cacti and succulents-attests to Garcia's love of ancient civilizations and his masterful blending of Arabian, Norman, Renaissance, and baroque influences that converge in Sicily's colorful history. The domain, dotted with ancient sculptures and reflecting pools, is graced with splendid panoramic views revealing the sea near Syracuse, a distant folly, a restored villa nestled in an ancient olive grove, and the decaying grandeur of a classical temple reconstructed with ancient fragments.
Год: 2023
Производитель: Flammarion
Артикул: 930300
ISBN: 9782081513518
Автор: Stella Alain

Jacques Garcia. A Sicilian Dream
10763 руб.
Japanese Style at Home. A Room by Room Guide
Japanese Style at Home. A Room by Room Guide
Japanese interiors focus primarily on one simple philosophy, Zen. All the rooms in a traditionally furnished Japanese home strive to achieve a balance of peace and simplicity; their interiors are steeped in centuries of cultural influence, and a sense of calm is key to the whole aesthetic.

This handbook shows how to create a tailor-made Japanese home. Working through the house one room at a time, it highlights classic items of furniture and signature accessories, from tatami mats and paper lanterns to shoji (dividing screens). In-depth case studies demonstrate the essential elements and provide inspiration, while colour combinations are explored to help personalize this iconic style for the home.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Thames&Hudson
Артикул: 844299
ISBN: 9780500294994
Автор: Bays Olivia, Seddon Tony, Nuijsink Cathelijne

Japanese Style at Home. A Room by Room Guide
3228 руб.
Josep Lluis Sert
Josep Lluis Sert
The work of Sert is a clear reinterpretation of Mediterranean architecture: the brise-soleil-as a kind of revitalizing of the wall, the building taken into its own self-reflection, turned to the inside as a place of repose and introspection-in short, the patio house. Buildings like Serfs own in Cambridge, the Miro Foundation in Barcelona or the Maeght Foundation in Saint Paul-de-Vence-all of these provide examples of the way Sert profoundly worked these concepts in his architecture. The treatment of light is another fundamental aspect in the architecture Sert developed. The highly characteristic skylights that adorn his pieces are elements that capture the natural light and reflect it indirectly, diffusing it through the building's interior.

Text in English
Год: 2002
Производитель: te Neues
Артикул: 246812
ISBN: 84-96048-24-1
Автор: Cheviakoff Sofia

Josep Lluis Sert
624 руб.
Kindergartens, schools & playgrounds
Kindergartens, schools & playgrounds
Growth, development, behavior... All these words are inseparable when speaking about education. Studies show that human development is especially transcendent during the early years, and indicate that the physical environment where this growth occurs is also very relevant. This is why schools, kindergartens and institutes of secondary education are being analyzed and studied from various points of view, including an architectural one. This volume contains a selection of educational centers from around the world that combine technological and constructive aspects with the creation of atmospheres that are suitable for students. For both children and teenagers these centers are places that are full of creativity and imagination, where they can develop as people and complete their education.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Loft
Артикул: 225845
ISBN: 978-84-95832-85-6

Kindergartens, schools & playgrounds
2016 руб.
There are few images of 20th century architecture more iconic than the nighttime view of Case Study House #22 set on its eagle's-nest site high above the lights of Los Angeles. With his two innovative houses for the famous project of the Arts and Architecture magazine, American architect Pierre Koenig (1925-2004) became one of the leading figures of the Modern movement in America. While still a student of architecture, he designed and built his first exposed steel house in 1950, proving that the use of prefabricated materials could allow for spatial freedom in affordable houses. Koenig's houses, like the Johnson House (1962) or the Oberman House (1962), are a direct response to Southern California's extremely warm and dry climate. His work is deeply marked by his commitment to environmentally and socially responsible design. His houses have thus become characteristic of the spirit of a whole generation: they perfectly capture the excitement and optimism of the American postwar society.

Издание на английском языке.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 206511
ISBN: 978-3-8228-4891-3
Автор: Neil Jackson

828 руб.
Living by the Sea
Living by the Sea
This sumptuous book showcases, through beautiful photography, 18 new residential houses and apartments. Each one is gifted with breathtaking sea views.

Features projects from all over the world, including Spain, Greece, New Zealand, Belgium, the USA, Denmark, Ibiza, and South Africa.
Год: 2022
Производитель: Beta-Plus
Артикул: 901424
ISBN: 9782875501134

Living by the Sea
23317 руб.
Living in China / Китайский стиль
Living in China / Китайский стиль
Dating back more than six thousand years, China is the world's oldest civilization and most populous nation. With its remarkable history, rich culture, and diversity of ethnic groups, China is an endlessly fascinating country. Sneaking a peek at an array of different homes, from ancient to modern, "Living in China" brings you to places that most will never have a chance to visit. Whether it's the Bamboo Wall by Kengo Kuma, a 600-year-old round earth house in Fujian, the artsy Shanghai apartment of a celebrated but banned Chinese writer, the Hong Kong residence of the owner of the China Clubs and Shanghai Tan, or an artist studio and home in the largest art community in the world, all of the interiors featured here capture intriguing facets of life in China today.

Photos Reto Guntli.
Год: 2013
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 385668
ISBN: 978-3-8365-3498-7
Автор: McLane Daisann

Living in China / Китайский стиль
1049 руб.
Living in Japan
Living in Japan
So rich and unique is traditional Japanese architecture that it's hard to improve upon. Yet contemporary Japanese designers and architects keep finding new ways to refurbish and take inspiration from the ways of old. Whether it's a pristinely preserved traditional house or a cutting-edge apartment, the best Japanese homes share a love of cleverly designed spaces and warm materials such as wood, bricks, and bamboo. From a thatched roof farmhouse occupied by a Zen priest to Tadao Ando's experimental 4?4 House, Shigeru Ban's conceptual Shutter House, and a beautiful homage to bamboo in the form of a home, this book traverses the multifaceted landscape of Japanese living today. Also included is a list of addresses and a glossary of terms, such as tatami.
Год: 2013
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 382868
ISBN: 978-3-8365-3500-7
Автор: Kerr Alex

Living in Japan
1049 руб.
Living in Japan
Living in Japan
Today's most exceptional Japanese homes

So rich and unique is traditional Japanese architecture that it's nearly impossible to improve upon. Yet contemporary Japanese designers and architects keep finding fresh approaches to refurbish and take inspiration from the ways of old. Whether it's a pristinely preserved traditional house or a sleek modern apartment, the best Japanese homes share a love of cleverly designed spaces and warm materials like wood, brick, and bamboo.

From a thatched roof farmhouse occupied by a Zen priest to Tadao Ando's experimental 4x4 House, from Shigeru Ban's conceptual Shutter House to a beautiful domestic homage to bamboo, this elegant compendium traverses the multifaceted landscape of Japanese living today.

Enriched by 170 brand new, unpublished photographs, this edition takes you on breathtaking journey through the Land of the Rising Sun-complete with a list of addresses, should you wish to undertake this journey to Japan's most fascinating inns and homes yourself. An insightful glossary of key terms, such as tatami, shoji, and noren, will also help you come to grips with all elements of Japan's unique aesthetic of Eastern minimalism.

Multilingual Edition: English, French, German

Серия: 40th Anniversary Edition
Год: 2022
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 904032
ISBN: 9783836588430
Автор: Kerr Alex, Sokol Kathy Arlyn

Living in Japan
6078 руб.
Living in Tuscany / Стиль Тоскана
Living in Tuscany / Стиль Тоскана
Under the burning Tuscan sun roll marvelous hills, vineyards, olive groves-all postcard-perfect landscapes nestling medieval towns, rural villas, and contadino farmhouses, endless niches of dreamy dwellings exuding all the charm for which the region is revered. We've tracked down the best examples of such havens-from the typical to the surprising-to paint a warm-hued picture of the look and feel of Tuscan living. Inspiration abounds from these pages of achingly beautiful homes; who knows-maybe you can bring the magic of Tuscany to your corner of the world.
Год: 2012
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 385669
ISBN: 978-3-8365-3494-9
Автор: Stoeltie Barbara, Stoeltie Rene

Living in Tuscany / Стиль Тоскана
1049 руб.
Living in the Forest
Living in the Forest
A spectacular collection of 50 magnificent contemporary houses across the globe, each built to exist harmoniously amid the trees

Take a walk through luscious jungles, get lost among snowy evergreens, and look out from mossy banks across vast Nordic fjords in Living in the Forest, a dynamic survey of contemporary forest homes. Each architect-designed house, whether demonstrating innovative ecological design or shoring against the elements, explores a different facet of woodland living across a huge range of countries worldwide.

The properties are shown throughout the book via stunning exterior and interior photography, and each home is accompanied by an illuminating text to bring the property to life. Connecting us to nature through their affinity with trees, each home in this expertly curated collection powerfully demonstrates the importance of green living.

Includes outstanding homes by Helen & Hard, HW Studio, Olson Kundig, Studio MK27, and Studio Saxe alongside emerging studios specializing in environmental design. Showcases beautiful houses located in forests around the world, from Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Iceland, Japan, Mexico, Norway, and Thailand as well as the UK and USA.

Explores unique residences, including a playful treehouse built at a spectacular height, an ingenious sustainable hideaway that leaves no footprint and an urban dwelling boasting an biodiverse jungle ecosystem of its own making.
Год: 2022
Производитель: Phaidon
Артикул: 930335
ISBN: 9781838665593
Автор: Pearson Tessa

Living in the Forest
10892 руб.
Loft Project. Как превратить свой дом в источник вдохновения
Loft Project. Как превратить свой дом в источник вдохновения
Айсулу Нуртаева - популярный DIY-блогер, известная на Ютуб как Fancy smth. Ее стильными проектами LOFT PROJECT вдохновляются уже более 600 тысяч подписчиков! В этой книге Айсулу делится 12 эксклюзивными идеями по созданию трендовых вещей для атмосферы уюта и тепла в доме.

Серия: Дизайн-студия
Год: 2019
Производитель: Бомбора
Артикул: 685301
ISBN: 978-5-04-095046-1
Автор: Нуртаева Айсулу Бирликовна

Loft Project. Как превратить свой дом в источник вдохновения
743 руб.
Lofts DesignSource
Lofts DesignSource
Since its inception at the end of the 1960s, loft living has generated an entire movementdedicated to the recovery of old, industrialspaces. Today, the loft is becoming moreaccessible to the general public, as its originaldefinition expands to include a variety ofopen-plan living spaces. With this currentexpansion, there is a growing diversity in theway architects treat the characteristic whitewalls, exposed metal, glass screens, andexpansive hard floors. As Lofts DesignSource illustrates, individualexpression is the key. Experimentation withdistribution, color, texture, materials, andfinishes can result in personalized spacesand urban sanctuaries that reflect the mostindividual of architectural designs. Withprojects ranging from New York to Paris andeverywhere in between, this title providesreaders with a comprehensive examinationof the exciting changes taking place intoday's loft environment. And with morethan 600 full-color illustrations, LoftsDesignSource is sure to become an integralpart of every library.

Серия: DesignSource
Год: 2005
Производитель: HarperCollins
Артикул: 801949
ISBN: 9780060749750
Автор: Canizares Ana G

Lofts DesignSource
3416 руб.
Logo Design
Logo Design
Everybody knows that brand identity is key. A good logo can glamorize just about anything, so it comes as no surprise that logo design is a crucial step in the development of a product or service.

This exhaustive guide brings together diverse logos from over 30 countries, organized into chapters by theme, such as media, retailers, events, regions, service and agencies. A full index provided at the end of the book lists each logo`s company, designer, and designer`s website. Also included is a case study section, concentrating on logo application and development.

No graphic designer can do without this book, and anyone who`s interested in design will appreciate this diverse compendium of visual ideas. As scientist Linus Pauling once said, "In order to come up with one good idea, you must have lots of ideas."

Страницы книги закрываются на резинку.

Издание на английском языке.
Год: 2008
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 166286
ISBN: 978-3-8228-4622-3

Logo Design
3036 руб.
Mag-art. Лучший дизайн журналов
Mag-art. Лучший дизайн журналов
Mag-Art полон креативных идей. На страницах книги вы найдете примеры различных стилей оформления журналов; использования стандартных и новых форматов; применения разнообразных материалов для обложки и упаковки издания. Интересные приемы внутренней навигации, иерархии заголовков, оформления колонтитулов и, конечно же, постпечатной обработки не оставят равнодушным ни одного профессионального дизайнера.

Издание на английском языке.
Год: 2006
Производитель: РИП-Холдинг.
Артикул: 341433
ISBN: 590319009, 5-903190-09, 9785903190096
Автор: Риверз Шарлотта

Mag-art. Лучший дизайн журналов
2178 руб.
Mega Malls
Mega Malls
One single word best sums up human behaviour over the past 150 years: consumption. And the unbridled frenzy with which humankind has come to need newer things at a quicker pace has found its ultimate expression in the mall. The mall concept was invented in Europe in the late 19th century - in the form of shopping arcades - and has evolved to become the huge complexes that we see today. In "Mega Malls", we see that the mall has become a place where we can satisfy even the most insignificant of our needs, and for many years now this has involved much more than simply supplying ourselves with food or any other item imaginable. As shown in the variety of projects selected in this compilation - chosen from among the most impressive shopping centres in the world - the mall has become a place offering shopping and entertainment in equal doses. Through the full-coloured images and illustrations in "Mega Malls", it is not hard to see how malls have become an all-encompassing feature in our lives.

Литература на английском языке.
Год: 2009
Производитель: PAGE ONE
Артикул: 225856
ISBN: 9789812457622
Автор: Fajardo Julio

Mega Malls
2576 руб.
Mies Van Der Rohe
Mies Van Der Rohe
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969) was one of the founding fathers of modern architecture. The creator of the Barcelona Pavilion (1929), the Farnsworth House in Plano, Illinois (1945-1951) and the Seagram Building in New York (1954-1958), Mies was one of the founders of a new architectural style. Well known for his motto "less is more, " he sought a kind of refined purity in architectural expression that was not seen in the reduced vocabulary of other Bauhaus members. His goal was not simply building for those of modest income but building economically in terms of sustainability, both in a technical and aesthetical way; the use of industrial materials such as steel and glass were the foundation of this approach. Though the extreme reduction of form and material in his work garnered some criticism, over the years many have tried-mostly unsuccessfully-to copy his original and elegant style.

This book explores more than 20 of his projects between 1906 and 1967, from his early work around Berlin to his most important American buildings.

Издание на английском языке.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 206514
ISBN: 978-3-8228-3643-9
Автор: Zimmerman Claire

Mies Van Der Rohe
828 руб.
Minimal Art
Minimal Art
Often regarded as a backlash against abstract expressionism, Minimalism was characterized by simplified, stripped-down forms and materials used to express ideas in a direct and impersonal manner. By presenting artworks as simple objects, minimalist artists sought to communicate esthetic ideals without reference to expressive or historical themes. This critical movement, which began in the 1960s and branched out into land art, performance art, and conceptual art, is still a major influence today. This book explains the how, why, where and when of Minimal Art, and the artists who helped define it.

Featured artists: Carl Andre, Stephen Antonakos, Jo Baer, Larry Bell, Ronald Bladen, Walter De Maria, Dan Flavin, Robert Grosvenor, Eva Hesse, Donald Judd, Gary Kuehn, Sol LeWitt, Robert Mangold, John McCracken, Robert Morris, Robert Ryman, Fred Sandback, Richard Serra, Tony Smith, Frank Stella, Robert Smithson, Anne Truitt.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 226977
ISBN: 978-3-8365-1406-4
Автор: Marzona Daniel

Minimal Art
1012 руб.
New Interiors. Inside 40 of the World s Most Spectacular Homes
New Interiors. Inside 40 of the World's Most Spectacular Homes
This lavishly illustrated volume displays dozens of the most spectacular residential interiors created in recent years. Located all over the world, they are set apart by their imaginative and innovative design, as well as their use of the latest technologies in construction, newly developed sophisticated materials, and furnishings from leading designers.

Whether it's one room or an entire house, NEW INTERIORS is sure to provide lots of inspiration on decorating the home.
Год: 2006
Производитель: HarperCollins
Артикул: 801950
ISBN: 9780061139727
Автор: Oriol Anja Llorella

New Interiors. Inside 40 of the World's Most Spectacular Homes
7473 руб.
New classicists
New classicists
William T. Baker is an acclaimed designer of fine custom homes. For the past 17 years he has distinguished himself with his design, craftsmanship and unique architectural details. The result is a range of one-of-a-kind homes, from casual beach houses to primary residences. Bill brings clients into the process to ensure that the end result is more than just "needs" met, but a vision fulfilled. He believes "the design process should be collaborative, dynamic, gratifying and fun".

Издание на английском языке.
Год: 2008
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 271259
ISBN: 978-1-920744-57-1
Автор: Baker William T

New classicists
3956 руб.
New furniture design
New furniture design
In the constant search for individuality, the modern man strives to differentiate and imbue the monotonous residential blocks common to large urban centers with personality through the use of interior design. Contemporary designers conceive furniture not only based on functional criteria, but also through the experimentation with fluid forms, strong colors and stimulating contrasts. Their vision is built upon an eclectic fusion of familiar elements that are innovatively combined to provoke new sensations: Solid, polished wood is combined with matte metal, glass surfaces are supported by lacquered wood, and plastic is combined with leather.

Предисловие книги на английском, немецком, французском, испанском и итальянском языках.
Год: 2005
Производитель: DAAB
Артикул: 296551
ISBN: 3-937718-28-1

New furniture design
994 руб.
Northern Comfort. The Nordic Art of Creative Living
Northern Comfort. The Nordic Art of Creative Living
The Nordic Art of Life has become a role model for meaningful creative life around the globe. Scandinavian design and creativity are synonymous with cozy homes and architecture that combine style with tradition, indoors with outdoors, natural materials with rich colors, and playfulness with clarity. The Nordic countries are famous for their designers and entrepreneurs, who combine diligent preparation with bold execution in all fields of contemporary creativity, like design, architecture, fashion, and food.

Northern Comfort - The Nordic Art of Creative Living brings together the people, endeavors, and ideas that best embody this way of life, focusing on interior design while also venturing into the outdoors, the kitchen, and the atelier. It presents a kaleidoscope of northern talent that is both admirable and inspiring. Get comfortable and follow us on this journey up north.
Год: 2022
Производитель: Gestalten
Артикул: 901410
ISBN: 9783899559620
Автор: Salisbury Austin, Thies Marius

Northern Comfort. The Nordic Art of Creative Living
9666 руб.
OFFCON. Commercial Interiors
OFFCON. Commercial Interiors
Архитектурное бюро OFFCON - молодой коллектив профессионалов, уверенно набирающий обороты. Бюро основано в 2012 году благодаря объединению команды архитекторов, успешно работавших совместно и самостоятельно в ведущих бюро Москвы на протяжении 12 лет. Сегодня OFFCON - это зрелые профессионалы, участники ряда самых знаковых проектов последних лет в области офисных и общественных интерьеров, таких как московская штаб-квартира Google, региональный офис Philip Morris Sales and Marketing, европейская штаб-квартира "Лаборатории Касперского" в Лондоне и других, большинство из которых представлены в этой книге. Работы бюро отмечены наградами Best Office Awards 2014 и 2015, MCFO Awards 2015, Interia Awards 2013, Project Baltia 2013. В книгу войдут все знаковые проекты.

Богатый опыт проектирования, широта взглядов и личных пристрастий каждого из участников команды позволяет компании максимально нетривиально подходить к решению любой задачи. Кредо бюро - всегда искать и находить неожиданные решения, уметь смотреть на вещи под другим углом, пытаться находить скрытые возможности пространства для того, чтобы делать проекты особенными.
Год: 2017
Производитель: TATLIN
Артикул: 596843
ISBN: 978-5-00075-114-5

OFFCON. Commercial Interiors
2333 руб.
Oscar Niemeyer Buildings
Oscar Niemeyer Buildings
At age 100, Oscar Niemeyer is universally acknowledged as a master of form, color, and light - the last living Modern master. Niemeyer is known primarily for his large-scale institutional and civic designs throughout Brazil and Europe - daringly conceptual works that challenged twentieth-century orthodoxy about Modernism, materials, and structure. This comprehensive book, a companion to Rizzoli's Oscar Niemeyer Houses, presents a reevaluation of his greatest buildings, in all new color photography specially commissioned for this book.Featured are the architect's most seminal work, including: Ministry of Education and Health, Rio de Janeiro; Brasilia; New Pampulha Yacht Club, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Mondadori Headquarters, Milan; Le Havre Central Cultural Center, France; Niteroi Museum of Contemporary Art, Brazil; and the Oscar Niemeyer Museum. A periodic resident of Rio de Janeiro, photographer Alan Weintraub has been granted unprecedented access to these remarkable structures - from Brazil to North Africa to Italy. As a result, Oscar Niemeyer Buildings reveals the master's brilliant artistry, and his eloquent, sinuous, utterly livable Modernism.

Литература на английском языке.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Rizzoli
Артикул: 225890
ISBN: 978-0-8478-3190-6
Автор: Hess Alan

Oscar Niemeyer Buildings
4645 руб.
Petite Places. Clever Interiors for Humble Homes
Petite Places. Clever Interiors for Humble Homes
From living rooms and kitchens to bedrooms and bathrooms, small spaces can offer immense possibilities, if only the interior is well considered.

By showing a variety of projects in different styles - from reduced and pragmatic to cozy - Petite Places delves into how small homes are being designed today, delivering insights from interior designers and architects. Floor plans will allow you to translate inspirations from the book into your home.

Living in small spaces is not a new phenomenon. By looking at pioneering projects from times gone by, one starts to understand where modern living concepts draw ideas from.

Clever furniture and storage solutions create more room to cook, relax, read in a comfortable nook, or work from home. Explore how you can add striking changes to your modest home with only a few tweaks.
Год: 2018
Производитель: Gestalten
Артикул: 901421
ISBN: 9783899559538
Автор: Pearson Tessa

Petite Places. Clever Interiors for Humble Homes
10496 руб.
Plant Style. How to Greenify Your Space
Plant Style. How to Greenify Your Space
Expert advice on how to make your home fashionably lush with greenery.

Ferns are back in the bathroom, cacti are sitting on plant stands and hoyas are cascading from hangers. Indoor plants are the ultimate indoor accessory. Softening interiors and readily available, they are a stylist's best friend. However, it's their power to transform a sterile space into an urban sanctuary that makes them more than just an inanimate prop -all you need to know is how to use them. From the founders of coveted plant-wares studio, Ivy Muse, comes this charming guide on how to turn your home into a jungle- like retreat. With design- savvy tips and expert advice, you'll learn all there is to know about decorating with plants and botanical styling plus the necessities like light requirements and when to water and feed. From bathroom to boudoir to every room in between, create your very own green oasis with Plant Style. 120 illustrations in color

Серия: Basic Art Series
Год: 2018
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 649224
ISBN: 9780500501030
Автор: Langan Alana, Vidal Jacqui

Plant Style. How to Greenify Your Space
4437 руб.
Italian architect and designer Gio Ponti (1891-1979) was the creator of a multifaceted oeuvre. Starting off with ceramics and majolika works at the First International Exhibition of Decorative Arts in Monza, he moved on to furniture and interior design and built structures of all kinds, from small residential dwellings to high rise buildings, schools, and office blocks. One of his great interests was the theme of the home, for which he continually sought to find new solutions. Ponti's colorful, carefree, elegant spaces were designed to inspire optimism in their occupants. The founder and nearly lifelong editor of domus magazine never stopped developing and reinventing his style. This book provides an introduction to Ponti's creative process and gives an overview of the various phases of his career.

Издание на английском языке.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Taschen
Артикул: 206508
ISBN: 978-3-8365-0038-8
Автор: Roccella Graziella

828 руб.
Pro уют и порядок. Золотые правила расхламления дома
Pro уют и порядок. Золотые правила расхламления дома
Ваш дом - это гораздо шире и глубже, чем просто помещение из какого-то материала. Это тот удивительный мир, который открывается, когда вы проворачиваете ключ в дверном замке и входите в собственную вселенную.

С помощью Анны Перельмут, специалиста по порядку, вы разберете каждый закуток, поймете от чего нужно избавляться и как правильно это сделать. Вы сможете изменить размеры помещения только с помощью цвета стен и предметов интерьера. Узнаете о секрете правила "60-30-10". Разрешите проблему визуального шума и сможете полноценно отдыхать дома. Узнаете как фотографии оживляют пространство. Создадите свою традицию и наполните дом ароматом выпечки по рецепту автора.

Уют - это гармония и баланс, так пусть и в вашем доме все будет созвучно именно вашему внутреннему миру!

Серия: Психология
Год: 2021
Производитель: Книжкин Дом
Артикул: 817147
ISBN: 978-5-00144-395-7
Автор: Перельмут Анна

Pro уют и порядок. Золотые правила расхламления дома
644 руб.
Regency Redux
Regency Redux
The classical elegance of the Regency period in England is considered one of the most sophisticated and refined moments in design history. Throughout the twentieth century, designers took elements of the Regency vocabulary and restyled them to meld with the reigning design aesthetic of the day to extraordinary effect. The book opens with an introduction to the original Regency period, which built its sophisticated aesthetic on the example of the Neoclassical style of Napoleon's time. It then picks up with the Art Deco designs of Emile-Jacques Ruhlmann and S?e et Mare in France. By the 1930s, the Vogue Regency returned home to England where Sibyl Colefax and Syrie Maugham created stylized classical interiors. In America, the Regency revival took hold in Hollywood on the lavish film sets of the 1930s and '40s. Designers and architects to the stars such as Billy Haines and T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings made a mark with their work for the Hollywood elite. The book concludes with Regency fashions of the 1930s and '40s, when Dorothy Draper and Elsie de Wolfe cut a stylish swath with their Regency-infused designs from coast to coast. Rounding out the vintage interiors are designs by acclaimed contemporary designers. Each chapter is illustrated with a rich selection of images of interiors, film sets, and furniture.

Издание на английском языке.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Rizzoli
Артикул: 225891
ISBN: 978-0-8478-3144-9
Автор: Ferdmans Emily Evans

Regency Redux
4876 руб.
Remodelista. Уютный дом. Простые и стильные идеи организации пространства
Remodelista. Уютный дом. Простые и стильные идеи организации пространства
О книге

Покупайте меньше вещей и выбирайте качественные. Храните похожие предметы вместе. Выставляйте вещи на видное место, не забивайте полки. Забудьте о перфекционизме и вспомните, что дома - для того, чтобы в них жить. Вот некоторые из основных принципов этой книги команды увлекательного сайта о дизайне интерьеров Remodelista.com.

И любители минимализма, и поклонники симпатичных мелочей хотят жить в уютных домах, где ощущают себя счастливыми. Здесь вы найдете сотни простых и сильных советов по организации домашнего пространства. Они проиллюстрированы цветными фотографиями, и вы сможете по их образцу создать свой интерьер. Вы узнаете, как покорить проблемные места любого дома (начиная с аптечки и заканчивая гардеробом), какие инструменты и хитрости можно применить в любой комнате (используйте подносы, ищите свободное пространство на верхних полках, декантируйте всё). А эксперты - от воспитателя детского сада до владельца гостиницы - предложат свои нестандартные идеи, который вы сможете позаимствовать. Всё это составляет замечательное руководство по организации дома.

Об авторах

Джулия Карлсон - автор книги и одна из основательниц сайта о дизайне жилья Remodelista.com. Ранее работала в Нью-йоркском институте архитектуры и урбанистики, а затем вошла в состав редакции New Yorker. Джулия окончила Брауновский университет и живет в Бруклине, штат Нью-Йорк.

арго Гуральник - архитектор и редактор сайта о дизайне жилья Remodelista.com. Заядлая барахольщица, она вышла замуж за минималиста и живет в Бронксе.

4-е издание.

Серия: Дом и интерьер
Год: 2021
Производитель: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
Артикул: 655471
ISBN: 978-5-00117-607-7, 978-5-00117-928-3, 978-5-00146-815-8, 978-5-00169-446-5, 978-5-00195-302-9
Автор: Карлсон Джулия, Гуральник Марго

Remodelista. Уютный дом. Простые и стильные идеи организации пространства
1623 руб.
Room by Room Designsource
Room by Room Designsource
Seemingly limitless examples of individual expression display the diversity of design solutions that can be applied to each room in your house. Experimentation with arrangement, color, texture, material, and finishes illuminate the myriad ways to personalize spaces and create the dream home. At 650 full-color pages of hundreds and hundreds of ideas, ROOM-BY-ROOM DESIGNSOURCE is an amazing value.

Серия: DesignSource
Год: 2007
Производитель: HarperCollins
Артикул: 801951
ISBN: 9780061138935
Автор: Bahamon Alejandro

Room by Room Designsource
2567 руб.
Rooms to Inspire
Rooms to Inspire
In "Rooms to Inspire" twelve trendsetters bring a fresh point of view to creating interiors for a spectrum of living spaces-from houses to apartments and country retreats. This selective group-some professional decorators and others renowned for their taste making-includes Marian McEvoy, Kelly Wearstler, Muriel Brandolini, Jonathan Adler, and Simon Doonan. They offer their own very personal perspectives and advice using their own homes as examples-many published here for the first time. These intimate and inviting, absolutely non-formulaic interior spaces express the personal style of these highly creative individuals. Today's designers show how to experiment freely with every detail. This extraordinary sampling features the designers' own homes, ranging stylistically from the theatrical to eclectically modern. Common design issues such as color, balance, and comfort, as well as innovative approaches to kitchens and bathrooms are addressed. The designers also offer their favorite resources. This inspirational guide for professionals and novices encourages us to infuse our living spaces with style and personality.

Издание на английском языке.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Rizzoli
Артикул: 225892
ISBN: 0-8478-2917-0
Автор: Kelly Annie

Rooms to Inspire
4140 руб.
Rooms to Inspire in the Country
Rooms to Inspire in the Country
Country living evokes bucolic landscapes and picturesque villages - rolling Connecticut countryside, verdant farmland, the sun-drenched hills of Malibu - and the architecture that echoes these idyllic settings. These houses, ranging from family estates to weekend retreats, are the personal homes of decorators and tastemakers, including Jonathan Adler, Martyn Lawrence-Bullard, and Steven Gambrel. The properties exemplify varied design perspectives and provide fresh ideas about how country living is ideal for creative expression. This inspiring medley ranges from Tony Duquette's exotic pavilion-style California home to a charming New York Victorian, a modernist Palm Springs desert getaway by Neutra, a nineteenth-century Gothic cottage on Shelter Island, and an eighteenth-century Connecticut house. Along with design ideas for interiors, the book also covers the garden and pool areas. Since outdoor entertaining is an integral part of country living, a section devoted to tabletop display is included. These beautifully photographed inspirations encourage the reader to explore the design opportunities in the country guided by the best interior designers.

Литература на английском языке.
Год: 2009
Производитель: Rizzoli
Артикул: 225893
ISBN: 978-0-8478-3195-1
Автор: Annie Kelly

Rooms to Inspire in the Country
3220 руб.
Rose Tarlow. Three Houses
Rose Tarlow. Three Houses
An intimate visual archive of design inspiration from celebrated designer Rose Tarlow

Inspired by memories of her East Coast childhood home, Windrift, lost in a fire more than 50 years ago, Rose Tarlow showcases three of her family houses in this deluxe slipcased volume. Often referred to as "the decorator's decorator, " Tarlow has a distinctive style that has won her numerous international accolades, and her own houses are the embodiment of her design philosophy, exuding charming eccentricity and uncompromising quality. Featuring her family homes in Stone Canyon and Santa Barbara, California, and Provence, France, Three Houses presents Tarlow's own personal archive-a treasure trove of precious memories and design inspiration for generations to come.

The book will be delivered in a protective disposable slipcase.

Серия: Art Interiors
Год: 2022
Производитель: Thames&Hudson
Артикул: 930600
ISBN: 9780865654020
Автор: Tarlow Rose

Rose Tarlow. Three Houses
12422 руб.
Scandi Rustic. Creating a Cozy & Happy Home
Scandi Rustic. Creating a Cozy & Happy Home
'The emphasis that Scandinavians place on the home being a source of happiness and wellbeing is one we identify with. We believe that everyone should have a home they don't want to leave!'

Award-winning bloggers and instagrammers Reena Simon and Rebecca Lawson are renowned for their love affair with all things Scandi. In their first book, Scandi Rustic, they reveal how to create a home that takes elements of Scandinavian design and introduces rustic natural materials and textures to create a Scandi-inspired interior that is cosy, relaxed and inviting. Come with Rebecca and Reena on a journey across the UK and Europe showcasing the very best in Scandi Rustic homes. Whether you live in an urban apartment, a country cottage or a blank canvas new-build, this relaxed, sustainable, modern rustic style will work perfectly for your home.
Год: 2022
Производитель: Ryland, Peters & Small
Артикул: 927148
ISBN: 9781788792462
Автор: Lawson Rebecca, Simon Reena

Scandi Rustic. Creating a Cozy & Happy Home
7413 руб.
Sert Miro
Sert Miro
The remarkable congruence we find in the works of Joan Miro and the building designed in Barcelona by Josep Lluis Sert for the Foundation that bears the painter's name denotes the existence - beyond the international architectural movement with which Serf's name is often associated and the pictorial "isms" linked to Miro's name - of something that unites the two artists in an unquestionable way: their close bond of friendship and their common convictions and anxieties. Part of their work is thus founded on a series of shared interests. The seeking for simplicity and the eye sharply attentive to the popular Mediterranean world are patent in their creations, as is their deep-seated belief in humanism, the same humanism which, in spite of the violent disasters that marked the twentieth-century - perhaps because of these - somehow unites them still further.
Год: 2010
Производитель: Onlybook
Артикул: 246815
ISBN: 84-96048-52-7
Автор: Bonet Llorenc

Sert Miro
240 руб.
Shades of Grey
Shades of Grey
Crammed with fascinating facts, expert advice and a wealth of essential information, Shades of Grey will guide you through the minefield that is choosing exactly the right shade of grey paint.

There's no doubt about it, grey is the shade of the moment. On trend restaurants, shops and homes are covered in it. There's not an interior decorating programme that doesn't feature it. However, despite its popularity, it's not quite as simple as buying a pot of grey paint and slapping it on the wall. Make the wrong choice, and a grey room will be cold and dark, even energy-sapping. Get it right, however, and your home will look sophisticated and modern. So how to find the perfect hue? In Shades of Grey, Kate Watson-Smyth explores the current popularity of the shade and consults experts - scientists, paint companies and interior decorators - who reveal their favourite greys as well as other tricks of the trade. She looks at the wide range of greys on offer and, via a simple process of elimination, will help you track down the shade that works perfectly for you.
Год: 2022
Производитель: Ryland, Peters & Small
Артикул: 927149
ISBN: 9781788791243
Автор: Watson-Smyth Kate

Shades of Grey
4473 руб.
Smaller Home
Smaller Home
"The Smaller Home" offers interesting new ways of thinking about the home. Innovative and efficient use of space can make living easier, more economical, and more enjoyable. "The Smaller Home" includes the latest ideas for layout options, flow patterns, space conversions, creative storage, and putting technology to work. It is a useful and imaginative guide for making the most out of less space without compromising comfort, convenience, or style.

Серия: DesignSource
Год: 2006
Производитель: HarperCollins
Артикул: 801952
ISBN: 9780060891893
Автор: Sater Dan F

Smaller Home
4982 руб.
Страницы: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Сортировка: Наименование, Цена, Автор, Производитель

Вид просмотра: Миниатюры, Полный многострочный, Полный в две строчки, Наименование-Цена-Автор, Наименование-Цена-Производитель, Наименование-Цена